Aki Faelen

Also known as: The Beast Beneath the Moonlight
Age: 27
Race: Miqo'te
Gender: male
Orientation: bisexual, male lean (straight dom, gay swing (sub lean))
Place of origin: Foundation (The Brume)
Weapon of choice: katana + throwing dagger (formerly twin daggers)
Occupation: sellsword, bounty hunter, bartender (in his off time)
Associated groups/characters: Luzifer Faelen, two un-named half-sisters, Dooshik Oelus, Daemon Stride, the Funeral Parlor, Laelia Vi Brunnel, Segadus Hest
Allegiance: The Funeral Parlor (The Black Nail, Parmenides' Doxa (former), though he doesn't claim to be a member and only works for them from time to time), Ishgardian Temple Knights (The Order of the Knights Dragoon, former)
Base of operation: none
JP Voice Claim: Kondo Takashi as Hibari Kyoya (10 Years Later ver.) from REBORN
EN Voice Claim: Alex Organ as Makishima Shogo from Psycho Pass


A werepanther with a shady background. He began his life on the streets of the Brume in Foundation, relying on petty crime such as stealing to survive. He is the eldest of four orphaned siblings - one full-blooded brother and two half-blooded sisters. His birth mother was killed by his father when she tried to run away with the two boys and his step-mother died giving birth to his youngest sister. Finally, his father was arrested and died in prison, leaving the four on their own when Aki was just ten years old. Still, child though he was, he did everything he could to provide for the family.His luck ran out when a theft went wrong. What would've been a normal case of swiping a person's coinpurse and running turned into a murder when the man noticed and grabbed Aki; a scramble to escape capture led to him using the man's own dagger to stab him, slashing an artery and killing him almost instantly. He fled the scene and led the guard on a two-hour-long chase through the streets of Foundation before finally losing them. Upon returning home though, he found the door to their room open, his siblings gone, seemingly kidnapped... and soon, it was his turn as well.But that didn't spell the end for him. In fact, it was a new beginning. A man named Dooshik Oelus, an executive within a criminal organization called the Funeral Parlor, had been the culprit, spiriting away all four siblings before Aki could get arrested by the Foundation guard. He extended an offer from his boss to end Aki's struggle on the streets - join the Funeral Parlor and the livelihood of himself and his siblings would be provided for. Having reached the breaking point of what he could do on his own, he had no choice but to agree. What he didn't know was that this wasn't the first time Dooshik had attempted to save his family. When his mother tried to run away with Aki and his brother, Dooshik managed to save her from the clutches of her husband; sadly, her husband employed a rival gang to get her back. With the Funeral Parlor still in its infancy, unfortunately, they did not have the manpower to keep her from his clutches; she fell back into his reach just for him to kill her. All of this to get his hands on the infamous Beast Beneath the Moonlight, a tale most thought was just told to keep people off the streets at night. In truth, it was Aki, a werepanther since the age of ten; his awakening is said to be the true cause of his father's death as it coincided with the first sighting of the large cat.The next several years were spent as a tracker and spy for Parmenides' Doxa, the Parlor's spy ring, as his child self could easily fly unsuspected under the radar of other rival groups, before he began to take on assassinations with the Black Nail under Dooshik's command, to his dismay. While being saved from the streets was the silver lining, in the end, Dooshik had brought him into this wretched world - his hatred for him ran deep. And said hatred only deepened when Dooshik one day disappeared from the Foundation underground after leaking his siblings' location, leaving Aki with nothing but a tighter chain to a world he loathed as the Funeral Parlor didn't hesitate to use them as leverage to force his cooperation. While working under Dooshik, he was taught his unique sword style, Kirisame Battouryu, before adjusting it into Kirisame Battouryu Tantou-kai to make up for his weapon of choice at the time - a pair of daggers - though he later switched back to a one-handed sword to optimize on the technique with the weapon it was intended for.Another few years passed before a military draft came for Luzifer. Protective as always, Aki wouldn't allow it. Unbeknownst to his siblings, after negotiating their safety in his absence with the boss of the Funeral Parlor, he packed his things and bade his siblings good night. That was the last time they would see him, as he stole away in the middle of the night, taking Luzifer's draft letter with him. And so he joined the knights in his brother's place, which only led to yet another era of death and killing.At the end of it all, Aki, now carrying far more demons and red in his ledger, declined to return to his family. Instead, he set about creating a new life for himself, working as a bartender primarily, though he is well aware that he is still at the mercy of the Funeral Parlor and must answer their call... no matter what the orders may be.

( full carrd and Azem lore here )

Noire Mephistic

Name at birth: Noire Dotharl
Age: 24
Race: Au Ra (Xaela)
Gender: female
Orientation: undetermined (but has dominant personality)
Place of origin: The Azim Steppe
Weapon of choice: two-handed broadsword
Occupation: mafia member
Associated groups/characters: 'That Person', Dooshik Oelus, Daemon Stride, Homura Mephistic, Salima, the Funeral Parlor
Allegiance: The Funeral Parlor, Dotharl tribe (former)
Base of operation: the Funeral Parlor's main headquarters in Ishgard, fronted as an orphanage (in-game: Crystal | Diabolos | Mist | W15 | P4 (FC house))
JP Voice Claim: Satou Rina as Velvet Crowe from Tales of Berseria
EN Voice Claim:


Born into Sadu's Dotharl tribe in the Azim Steppe, Noire was cast out upon being believed to be the reincarnation of a traitor of legend by the same name, citing her split appearance as a tell-tale sign, thus earning herself said person's name as well. As such, the Dotharl tribe threw her out, telling her to "return" to the Oronir tribe whom her namesake had defected to. However, the Oronir, who did not believe in reincarnation, had no intent to take in a member of the Dotharl tribe, seeing her as an enemy despite her young age. Shunned from both sides, with nowhere to go, she was left to die out in the vast drylands; it was then that she was picked up by the boss of the Funeral Parlor on their travels, who at the time was still just an employee of the orphanage it once was. Like many children within the Parlor, she grew up amid criminals, but said criminals treated her with a kindness she never experienced elsewhere, especially among the Dotharl, who all berated her due to their belief in reincarnation before casting her out entirely, a concept she didn't understand at the time given her young age. She only ever asked about her birth parents once later on in life, during which the boss of the Funeral Parlor, whom she was given special permission to see as they are essentially her adoptive parent, told her the story. She accepted it easily, saying she would rather have her current life anyway, and sees the boss as having saved her from a fate worse than crime.In her time among the Dotharl, she only cared for Sadu, as she was the only one to treat her with any kindness. Alas, as she was still fresh into her time as the leader of their tribe, her word did not win against the majority, and she was unable to keep Noire from being banished.She behaves in a way not always befitting of a typical woman, as is common with Dotharl tribe members, as they believe everyone is born a reincarnation of someone else, and is named such. Noire has lived past lives as both men and women, but her most recent was that of a man, and thus she remembers that personality most. She has bad memories of the time she spent as a woman, saying that one of the biggest moments of betrayal she experienced were when she chose to behave in a more feminine way, having been jilted by the person she was ready to spend the rest of her life with. As such, and because of her line of work as the Funeral Parlor's acting head, she trusts incredibly sparingly and holds most people at arm's length.

Bruxa Hullus

Age: ??
Race: voidsent-possessed Viera
Gender: male
Orientation: bisexual (exclusively sub; Bruxa is true sub, incubus is dom sub)
Place of origin: Garlemald (sort of) / the Thirteenth
Weapon of choice: non-combatant
Occupation: bartender
Associated groups/characters: none
Allegiance: none
JP Voice Claim: Shimazaki Nobunaga as Suoh Hayato from Wind Breaker
EN Voice Claim:


An incubus born from null, he came into existence a fully-grown man, waking up alone in the snowscape of Garlemald. Presumably, the incubus was brought forth from the void of the Thirteenth and given Bruxa's body as a vessel, but the summoner disappeared without a trace before fully completing the summoning; thanks to this, Bruxa was still able to keep most of his original conscience and overall control of his body, though his past memories unfortunately disappeared. Having arrived in what was once a war-stricken field as Garlemald fell upon hard times, the intense intake of residual aether may have also been a catalyst to him becoming what he is today; given this ability to interact with aether, he does not identify as a Garlean despite his place of origin.While he was able to keep his humanoid appearance (which seems to resemble a modern Viera), he has the constitution of a voidsent, and is reliant on aether consumption in order to survive, much like Zero. This is something he takes from his victims during intercourse, though he seldom takes enough to make them truly victims to any long-lasting conditions. However, given his wary, anxious, and shy nature, making a move on anyone is nigh impossible for him, forcing his incubus persona to split off from his regular one for the sake of survival. This incubus personality is a lot more straightforward and willing to take what it wants, and is particularly enthusiastic about those it takes a liking to. It is considered a separate entity entirely from Bruxa's normal self, as the two are only linked by physical vessel; they do not share memories or relationships and have completely different personalities, which can often be confusing to those they both happen to interact with / see on a regular basis, as people he meets as one persona are not known to the other (though it's assumed that the incubus has some sort of access to Bruxa's subconscience, as it will sometimes force itself out when faced with someone it finds favorable). Because of this intermittent loss of memory though, Bruxa is all the more insecure.Today, he tries to get away with living as normal of a life as possible, taking up work as a live-in bartender at a club called Octane, though he will sometimes work at other places to make ends meet when necessary. He lives in hiding from the incubus' past victims, but the fact that he can't tell who that may be (since the two don't share memories) just makes him more wary of the world.

Daemon Stride

Age: 36
Race: Au Ra (Xaela)
Gender: male
Orientation: undetermined
Place of origin: Foundation (The Brume)
Weapon of choice: non-combatant (dagger when he has to)
Occupation: mafia member, bar owner (Hyena)
Associated groups/characters: Dooshik Oelus, Aki Faelen, 'That Person', The Funeral Parlor, Kihga'ri Sennichi
Allegiance: The Funeral Parlor (Parmenides' Aletheia)
Base of operation: Aletheia's headquarters, fronted as the bar lounge, Hyena (in-game: Dynamis | Maduin | Goblet | W21 | P8)
JP Voice Claim: Tochi Hiroki as Seishirou from Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
EN Voice Claim: Ben Robson as Spiritus from Dissidia Final Fantasy NT


Daemon is someone who exudes charisma and friendliness befitting of a bar owner. He can be a bit dense at times, too, especially when it comes to romance. He very much has an all-business-no-play type of personality, and anything that interrupts his pace throws him off. However, under the surface, he is the leader of Parmenides' Aletheia, the Funeral Parlor's intelligence ring. He works mostly out of their headquarters, a bar in the Goblet called Hyena, as well as an off-site outreach office in Shirogane. His demeanor makes him an unlikely suspect as mafia, as he prides himself on ethics, something you wouldn't expect given his appearance. That's not to say he's a saint though - at the end of the day, he does work as a loyal member of a mafia group - but he has more of a conscience than his colleagues. He is protective of those he believes are worth protecting, but on the flip side, he is ruthless to those he believes are deserving of punishment and ill tidings. Overall, he is someone who strongly lives true to his own morals.Despite being a Funeral Parlor veteran (i.e. a former staff member at the orphanage) and 'That Person's brother of sorts, as the two were raised in the orphanage together, because of said morals, Daemon is someone who does not always agree with their methods, specifically the way they take advantage of the children. Daemon has only ever brought in adults to work for the Parlor; any children he has taken in are purely fosters as he refuses to make them Doxa spies unless they wish to be, unlike 'That Person', who expects it of them. He is somewhat estranged from the organization after several clashes with the boss over ideals and ethics. Despite this, he has not been formally removed from his position as the head of the intelligence ring, continues to function as such, and remains loyal to the Funeral Parlor and 'That Person' despite their differences, perhaps due to their brotherhood. He is particularly close with Dooshik Oelus, a fellow Parlor member and someone who somewhat shares his views.

Mephisto Philus

Age: unknown, but appears to be in early to mid twenties
Race: Au Ra (Xaela)
Gender: female
Orientation: undetermined
Place of origin: Limsa Lominsa
Weapon of choice: staff
Occupation: experimental subject
Associated groups/characters: Homura Mephistic, the Funeral Parlor (Plutus Corp)
Allegiance: the Garlean Empire (but ultimately answers to Homura, the CEO of Plutus Corp)
Base of operation: Plutus Corp base in Garlemald
JP Voice Claim: Mitsuishi Kotono as Mei Mei from Jujutsu Kaisen
EN Voice Claim: Tasia Valenza as Poison Ivy from Batman: Arkham Knight


Mephisto was born in La Noscea and left at the doorstep of the arcanists' guild as an infant. She was then raised by the guild members and became a live-in student. One day, while traveling out in the open land, she strayed too far from city, the only place she had ever known, and became lost in the great expanse of La Noscea. Sensing the aether she naturally had, the kobolds captured her, intending to trade her to the Garlean Empire in exchange for magitek goods, which they were interested in experimenting with. Mephisto was then taken to the Garlean Empire and experimented on as they attempted to create artificial ceruleum in response to the shortage following Emperor Varis' death and the splitting of the imperial legions. Due to the great amount of aether at her disposal, she was drafted in and forced to help inject the artificial ceruleum with enough aether to power magitek just as natural ceruleum does. This project is facilitated and overseen by Plutus Corp, an organization within the Funeral Parlor.

Lazarus Lazuli

Age: 10
Race: Elezen/Viera crossbreed
Gender: female
Orientation: undetermined
Place of origin: Sharlayan
Weapon of choice: non-combatant
Occupation: none
Associated groups/characters: the Sons of Saint Coinach
Allegiance: none
JP Voice Claim: Sawashiro Miyuki as Sinon from Sword Art Online
EN Voice Claim: Madison Davenport as Materia from Dissidia Final Fantasy NT


A crossbreed between an Elezen and a Viera, Lazarus was created in an artificial-life experiment by a scientist of Allagan descent working with the Sons of Saint Coinach in Sharlayan. He conducted the experiment under the guise of research, but had ulterior motives - to bring his deceased daughter back to life. By mixing different DNA samples, he was finally able to make a stable lifeform. Under the scientist's watch, she has so far survived for ten years and shows no signs of deteriorating. Though she appears fully grown, her mind has not matured to match her appearance.

Hina Tsurugi

Age: 22
Race: Hyur (Midlander)
Gender: female
Orientation: undetermined
Place of origin: Othard (Doma)
Weapon of choice: dagger (handgun occasionally)
Occupation: Garlean covert operative (formerly Doman ninja)
Associated groups/characters: Hien, Doma, Genrou Tsurugi, Carlyle Adelheid
Allegiance: the Garlean Empire (formerly Doma)
Base of operation: the Tertium in Garlemald
JP Voice Claim: Kayano Ai as Alice from Sword Art Online: Alicization
EN Voice Claim: Lindsay Seidel as Kunizuka Yayoi from Psycho Pass


A Doman native, she first began as a kunoichi fiercely loyal to her motherland, a retainer of Lord Hien. When the Garlean Empire invaded, she gladly took part in the resistance to fight them off. Unfortunately, her valiant efforts wouldn't continue for long. During a confrontation with the Garleans, a magitek vessel blew up near her on the battlefield, taking her left leg. She urged her comrades to flee and leave her behind; she knew she didn't have long and likely would not survive even if they tried to save her. Her comrades escaped, and the battle ended in Doma's defeat. As Hina prepared to bid farewell to her life, she thought of her past, and the brother she'd lost to the Empire years prior. And just as she felt her conscience begin to fade, a familiar figure appeared. It was her brother, a fellow Doman ninja, whom their family had thought to be dead. It turned out said brother had been taken captive rather than killed by the Garleans, and made to work for them. After a little string-pulling and a few words from her brother, Hina was fitted with a prosthetic leg made from Garlean magitek technology, and thus given a new lease on life. At first, she adamantly rejected it, holding fast that the Garlean Empire was still her enemy, and she'd rather have died than work for them. However, her memory of that day on the battlefield was hazy due to some head trauma from the explosion, and the Empire took advantage of this; a soldier, Carlyle Adelheid, her brother's friend, convinced her that her comrades had left her for dead, leaving out the fact that she herself had told them to do so, and that Hien had fled the battle on his own rather than ordered a retreat. With some more persuading from her brother as well, Hina also turned traitor to Doma and began working for the Empire.

Dooshik Oelus

Name at birth: Iharu Hibiki
Age: 39
Race: Hyur (Midlander)
Gender: male
Orientation: will hit on anything and anyone
Place of origin: ?? (possibly Kugane)
Weapon of choice: single katana (used to be a set with an uchigatana (shorter sword in a two-katana set), but it's unknown what happened to it)
Occupation: ex-mafia member
Associated groups/characters: Natsume Hibiki (younger brother; deceased), Aki Faelen, Daemon Stride, Noire Mephistic, 'That Person', the Funeral Parlor
Allegiance: none (formerly the Funeral Parlor, specifically The Black Nail)
Base of operation: none
JP Voice Claim: Nojima Kenji as Ginoza Nobuchika from Psycho Pass
EN Voice Claim: Matthew Mercer as Cor from Final Fantasy XV


At first glance, he is an ordinary citizen of Foundation. At second glance, an air of underlying sinistry. His early past is shrouded in mystery to most; all that is known is that he is ex-mafia, a former executive within a criminal organization known as the Funeral Parlor. He is also old friends with Aki from his darker days, being the one who scouted him as a pre-teen off the streets of the Brume and essentially brought him to the doorstep of the criminal world when he presented him before his boss, known only as 'that person', a person only executives are allowed to even see; because of this, Dooshik serves as both a father and brother figure to Aki. Though he appears kind at first, underneath the soft exterior lies the hardened soul of someone who was once revered as one of the most lethal assassins in the Brume, the infamous leader of the Black Nail, the Funeral Parlor's covert kill squad (the squad's name implies that they are the nail in the coffins of their foes, bringing ultimate death to them). Today though, he considers himself "retired"; the circumstances which led to him being safely released from the seedy underbelly of Foundation without consequence are still unclear - after all, it's a past that is relatively hard to outrun, considering he'd been a wanted man for many years. It is assumed that the boss of the Funeral Parlor is pulling strings to keep people off of Dooshik's tail. In truth, Dooshik had made a deal with them: 'Find a way to chain the werepanther to the Funeral Parlor and you will have your freedom.' Given everything he knew about Aki, he knew what would be the ultimate leverage against him - his siblings. After successfully hiding them for five years, Dooshik revealed their location to the boss in exchange for his release from the Foundation underground.Dooshik now enjoys life as a simple civilian, though Aki disapproves of his frivolous attitude and how soft he's become... but most of all, the fact that, though he claims to have left the life, he is not above using old connections to get what he wants. Aki never hesitates to call him the scum of the earth for taking advantage of people like this, but in truth, he just doesn't want to see Dooshik killed, as unlikely as that is, though he'll never admit it. After all, he'd made his fair share of enemies in the past, and more.Despite Dooshik's current gentle and kind disposition that makes it hard to fathom he was ever anything else, back in his prime when he was still an active assassin, he was a lot more unhinged and ruthless, the type who wouldn't bat an eye while torturing or even killing someone. He neared psychotic when it came to spilling blood, and one would not have been wrong to question his sanity in his bloodlust. He was and is a very skilled user of iaido, otherwise known as battoujutsu, the art of drawing a sword, unleashing a single fatal attack, then immediately returning the sword to its sheathe, using an unknown sword style called Kirisame Battouryu. The focus is on speed and precision, a technique he later taught Aki. Most opponents are thrown off by his left-handedness.Given what is known about him, it is speculated that he was a former member of the Sekiseigumi of Kugane, and that his savage ways got him dishonorably discharged from the group that was supposed to act as a police force of sorts; these allegations are backed by his old demeanor, his skill with the sword, and his unknown lineage (as most Sekisei members were of lower birth). The terms for him to join the Funeral Parlor were to cut his ties to the past, which included killing his family. While he did succeed in killing his parents, the last shred of humanity within him caused him to spare his brother, something the Funeral Parlor never knew (or at least never acted on). Instead, word was spread among the Sekiseigumi that his brother had killed him to avenge the death of their parents, thus cleanly putting an end to his life as Iharu Hibiki at age 20.However, the two were fated to meet again. He couldn't put it off any longer; it was time to officially and finally cut his last ties to his past. He did just that during a Funeral Parlor operation in Kugane in which he offered to go alone with Aki, the only other active combatant within the Parlor who knew his past, and be the decoy, knowing many Sekiseigumi members still held a grudge against him; among them was his brother, Natsume. In the encounter, he killed many men, but not Natsume. Instead, in a rare moment of sentimentality, he'd set him up so that Aki would have to finish him off for him, all so he wouldn't have to kill his own brother. To this day, Aki doesn't know he had killed Dooshik's last relative, thus also severing his last loose end with the Sekiseigumi.His signature line was "Rejoice, for pain is a curse bestowed only upon the living."

Nautilus Alastor

Age: 18
Race: Lalafell (Plainsfolk)
Gender: male
Orientation: undetermined
Place of origin: Ul'dah
Weapon of choice: two-handed hammer (formerly one-handed longsword)
Occupation: dark knight (former paladin)
Associated groups/characters: none
Allegiance: none (formerly the Immortal Flame)
Base of operation: the Forgotten Knight in Foundation
JP Voice Claim: Kusao Takeshi as Cless Alvein from Tales of Phantasia
EN Voice Claim: Scott Porter as Nightwing from Batman: Arkham Knight


Formerly a straight-laced paladin training in Ul'dah to be an officer for the Immortal Flame, he went on to become a dark knight after seeing many of his comrades fall in battle. After being told he wasn't allowed to give pursuit to their attackers and was ordered to retreat instead, he left the grand company so he would no longer have to follow those orders. Believing their attackers deserved death and wanting revenge, he left his past, as well as his childhood friends, Ruru and Pippin, behind. He moved to Ishgard, where he was also picked up by Ompagne Deepblack, who sensed the hatred and anguish within him. He, along with Ompagne's other students, Fray and Sidurgu, trained in the way of the dark knight instead. Now, he can typically be found at the Forgotten Knight with Sidurgu and Rielle.

Homura Mephistic

Name at birth: Ling Tu (translates to 'dawn soil', given the time he was born and his family's lineage under the goddess of earth)
Age: 28
Race: Viera (Dynast tribe)
Gender: male (omega)
Orientation: gay (submissive)
Place of origin: The Rak'tika Greatwood
Weapon of choice: his fists, a pair of wristlets granting inhuman strength (holy arm of Black Earth Under Soil)
Occupation: mafia member
Associated groups/characters: Hua Jiang, 'That Person', R'fjell Helsing, Noire Mephistic, Salima, The Funeral Parlor, Dynast Viera sub-tribe (former)
Allegiance: The Funeral Parlor (Plutus Corp), Dynast Viera sub-tribe (former)
Base of operation: Plutus Corp base in Garlemald, headquarters in the Firmament, fronted as a high-end construction company (no in-game location)
JP Voice Claim: Inoue Yoshio as Eiji from Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale
EN Voice Claim:


A rags-to-riches story in the least honest way. Born into a Viera sub-tribe said to be descended from elemental gods and spirits, Homura knew from a young age that he didn't belong. Despite being born into a family under the goddess of earth, he never showed any affinity with the land, nor did he buy into their lineage and culture. He clashed numerous times with his parents, tribe leaders, and peers, protesting their way of living in the woods. He considered himself a simple person but deserving of more than living out in the wild and dreamt of a more lavish lifestyle, all the way up until his powers granted by his ancestral god awakened. He found his family's treasure, a pair of wristlets passed down from the hero king, and was playing around with them when he accidentally fully donned them. Armed with a vessel with which to channel his power, Homura's unhindered strength leveled his childhood home, killing both of his parents and his younger sister. Though people tried to tell the young Homura that it was an accident and he wasn't at fault, he knew otherwise - the rest of the villagers saw him as a killer who'd murdered his own family; some even claimed he did so on purpose to claim his family's power for himself, as it would've otherwise gone to his sister who showed more affinity with the earth. He tried to endure his circumstances, but eventually left to chase his dreams, leaving behind his childhood friend, Hua Jiang, whose family had taken him in after his parents passed away, and who he suspected had feelings for him deeper than friendship. But they were not feelings that he was ready to reciprocate, thus adding to his reasons for leaving.He went into hiding from his people, first going to the Crystarium, then somehow ending up in Kugane, working odd jobs along the way to make ends meet. He was working in the Kogane Dori markets when he met 'that person', the boss of the Funeral Parlor. Sensing a chance to move up in life, he followed them, but was quickly caught and apprehended by Noire Mephistic and other Parlor employees. He was brought before 'that person,' but was ultimately found innocent of any malicious intent. However, Homura asked to work for them instead, claiming he knew who 'that person' really was. In truth, he had no idea, and likewise had no idea what he was getting into. 'That person' originally hesitated to take him in, saying they had no need for random children, but in the end decided that they liked the look in Homura's eyes - a look of strong conviction and resolve. Also recognizing the powerful relic Homura possessed, they decided to take him in as another adoptive child, making him non-blood siblings with Noire and Salima. When asked his name, he refused to give it, saying that he disliked it and hated to be called by it (he has hinted before that it was something along the lines of dirt, soil, or mud, but no one knows for sure aside from those who knew him before his desertion); instead, 'that person' named him Homura, an Eastern name, given where he was found, yet still pertaining to nature so he could at least keep a piece of his past (though he himself didn't care to). Aside from that though, he almost never mentions anything about his past or the people who were once close to him.Since Homura was still green to their line of work and rather young, he had to prove his worth quickly as he didn't want to be a Doxa spy. He was placed under a special training regimen directly under 'that person,' who told him he had two years to prove himself useful in another capacity. Homura trained hard and eventually rose to meet 'that person's expectations. His renown grew until he was on par with the best of the Black Nail operatives, but 'that person' had different plans. He instead placed Homura in charge of their money laundering business, knowing of his passion for money, and that people worked best when they were passionate about what they did. (Ironically, the faction is named Plutus Corp after the Greek god of wealth, who is also associated with agricultural abundance and the bounties of the earth, a callback to Homura's background.)Though he left behind his childhood heritage and home, as he is the last surviving member of his lineage, he still wields his family's treasure relic, a pair of wristlets that give him enhanced physical prowess and some telekinetic abilities. These were passed down from his family's guardian, the hero king Black Earth Under Soil, who was said to have turned the tides of war in his time as a human by casting a great ravine between the two enemies. Everything moved, as if the plates of the Earth themselves were being pried apart, causing lava to spurt forth, thus creating a river of fire. In the end, though the war was ended, it was by the sacrifice of those who were on the battlefield when the reality-defying feat was performed, bringing the fighting to a screeching halt. In taking the relic, Homura also took the proof of lineage under the goddess of earth, bringing an end to the main family of the esteemed bloodline. However, some extended family keen on carrying on tradition are now on the hunt for him, believing a heathen like himself is unworthy of wielding the hero king's power.Today, Homura lives the good life, leading the Funeral Parlor's money laundering business, a high-end construction company called Plutus Corp, as its CEO. He has a more flamboyant albeit cocky personality and carries himself with dignity suited to the amount of money backing him; one could even say he is full of himself. Still, his reasoning for valuing the monetary aspects of life isn't unfounded; having come from nothing, it was the one thing he never had until now. Though he is a good fighter, he seldom has to as their faction typically employs the Black Nail as their debt collectors. His and Noire's takes regarding the Parlor are different though, in that, while Noire is ultimately faithful to the boss, Homura, though grateful to them for giving him his chance at the life he wanted, mostly runs on self-interest. 'That person' chooses to overlook this though, not caring what Homura's reasons are so long as he does his job; Noire, on the other hand, is often at odds with him due to his attitude.

Hua Jiang

Age: 28
Race: Viera (Dynast tribe)
Gender: male (alpha)
Orientation: gay (dominant)
Place of origin: The Rak'tika Greatwood
Weapon of choice: bladed spear (holy arm of Azure Storm Unto Snow), occasionally bow and arrow
Occupation: civilian, hunter
Associated groups/characters: Homura Mephistic, Dynast Viera sub-tribe
Allegiance: Dynast Viera sub-tribe
Base of operation: Dynast Viera territory in the Rak'tika Greatwood
JP Voice Claim: Kaji Yuuki as Sabito from Demon Slayer
EN Voice Claim:


Born into the same Viera sub-tribe as Homura, Hua Jiang's name translates to 'flowing river of flowers'; this alludes to his mother's death upon giving birth to him, after which she was placed atop a bed of flowers and buried in the river, as well as his family's lineage as descendants of the god of water. After that, he grew up with his father and siblings, who eventually took in an orphaned Homura, then still known by his birthname, Ling Tu. The two were practically brothers, and Hua Jiang was the last person in Homura's corner after his numerous acts of rebellion; he even called him just Ling, leaving out the part of his name that he hated. Unfortunately, in the end, he was unable to stop him from leaving, and joined the rest of the village in seeing him as having lost his way. But, unlike them, he didn't hate Homura. He still hopes for a day when he will return to the village, but knows the chances are low. Today, he spends his days as a regular villager, helping hunt for food and cultivate the fields.He considers himself a rather ordinary and bland personality, not one to stand out, not particularly one way or another. But there is one emotion that has always taken precedence - his obsession with Homura. Though the two are not bonded as alpha and omega, it has always been Hua Jiang's wish, though he made an attempt to mask it, afraid that Homura would leave. In the end, his efforts bore no fruit, as he lost his childhood love to the whims of fate; perhaps realization of his childhood friend's feelings was one of the reasons Homura left his home.The spear he wields is one that has been passed down in his family for ages, entrusted to him as the designated successor to their bloodline, the eldest child within the main family. With a bluish-silver blade and a white ivory handle, the base of the handle near the blade is carved with a wave winding upwards towards the other end, though it only spans about a foot. Amidst the wave is a single blue jewel, said to house the spirit of the guardian of his family, Azure Storm Unto Snow. While the spirit now takes the shape of a large shark on the rare occasion that it is fully manifested, it was once a human, the forefather of their family. It is said that, when this spirit was still human, its village was wrought with a great snow storm, freezing the land. With martial prowess, the spirit parted the ice, breaking them free from the cold prison. Sadly, his village, frozen in the ice when it was sundered, was likewise destroyed. Still, he was deemed a hero for saving the future generations - a very 'for the greater good' mindset. Now, every generation, a member of the family is chosen to create a pact with him in hopes of receiving his blessing to weather the frigid seasons and is then entrusted with the spear and the spirit's martial prowess, their very bodies considered to be the vessel for the great hero in exchange.

Segadus Hest

Also known as: Azem (Aki)
Age: unknown
Race: Ancient
Gender: male
Orientation: straight
Place of origin: Etheirys
Weapon of choice: creation magicks
Occupation: none
Associated groups/characters: Melpomene, the Convocation, Aki Faelen, Llavinia Hest
Allegiance: none
JP Voice Claim: Konishi Katsuyuki as Takano Masamune from Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi
EN Voice Claim:


Calm on the surface, but often seething underneath, Segadus' emotions seldom go to his face. Whatever he is feeling, the same unreadable expression usually remains, not letting on what he is really thinking, for better or for worse. He is often misunderstood because of how quiet he tends to be, as inexpression is a large part of himself.Segadus' induction into the Convocation was somewhat controversial. Not everyone approved of his predecessor's choice, and for good reason, as he was not always the most rational person. During his time as Azem, Segadus foresaw the undoing of the world. Not the Final Days, specifically, but just an apocalypse of some sort, the world coming to a breaking point. All he knew was that corrupted aether would be their doom, and as such, creation magicks should simply cease. Thus began his new vendetta - to purge all those who practiced such magicks, including himself. Needless to say, very few agreed with this proposal, claiming that such a culling was not necessary. However, Segadus would not hear reason. He set about his mission of mass genocide to 'purify' their kind and began his path toward self-destruction, earning himself the disapproval of almost everyone on Etheirys. The only person who remained in his corner was his close friend Melpomene, who was also alienated by the people for her siren-like talents. It was the two of them against the world.In the back of his mind, Segadus knew what he was doing was wrong, and hoped that someone would stop or kill him. But he wouldn't accept death from just anyone. In the end, he forced Melpomene's hand, since she was the only one who could approach him. And by letting Melpomene kill him, she also was able to prove her trustworthiness to the other ancients and redeem herself, and was then named the next Azem.It is said that Segadus' actions led to Aki's poor life circumstances, a way to repent for the doings of his past life.


Also known as: Farhadin
Age: 24
Race: Hyur
Gender: female (alpha)
Orientation: lesbian (dominant)
Place of origin: Thavnair (Radz-at-Han)
Weapon of choice: small scalpel-like knife or poison
Occupation: Funeral Parlor logistics officer, inn proprietress, part-time assassin
Associated groups/characters: Noire Mephistic, Homura Mephistic, 'That Person', the Funeral Parlor
Allegiance: the Funeral Parlor (House of Sindhura, formerly the Black Nail)
Base of operation: the House of Sindhura in Radz-at-Han, fronted as an inn (no in-game location)
JP Voice Claim: Shimamura Yu as Yosano Akiko from Bungo Stray Dogs
EN Voice Claim:


Known mononymously as just Salima, or Lady Salima, she is a Thavnair native hailing from a middle class merchant family. Her family's caravan was attacked by wolves as they were traversing Ishgardian land along their trade route. Salima survived as, somehow, the wolves didn't kill her, instead protecting her from other wolves; it's unknown what happened to the rest of the caravan. This unspoken connection to them lasts until this day, where Salima can still be seen befriending local wolves, and keeps a pair of siblings as companions. People of the town sometimes call her 'Farhadin', or 'one who was raised by wolves'.She survived for a while among the wolves before being found in the snow by the Funeral Parlor's boss, and was then taken under their wing as a child of the orphanage, growing up alongside Noire and Homura. Eventually, she returned to her roots and was appointed the keeper of the Parlor's Ilsabard outreach center, disguised as a common inn in Radz-at-Han called the House of Sindhura. This location is mostly used by Parlor members who have business in the far reaches of the world, such as traveling Black Nail assassins or Plutus Corp employees. As a neutral ground between two feuding countries, Radz-at-Han is a convenient place to use as a hideout, as Eorzeans and Garleans alike traverse the city's streets. This facility is the second most far-reaching of the Parlor's bases of operation, the farthest being Plutus Corp's Garlemald branch, which specializes in overseeing their deals with the enemy country, particularly those relating to the ceruleum trade business.While Salima is mostly a non-combatant now, back in her early days, she was a part of the Black Nail, considered to be among the most highly-skilled and elite members, and boasted one of the highest success rates and kill counts. She specialized in the killing of people (mostly straight men and omega women) who she could seduce into bed and will still occasionally accept a mission or two if her skills are needed.She appears kind and inviting to patrons of the inn, but makes no effort to hide her contempt for lustful men (unless on the job), often calling them monkeys. Due to her work, she is good at putting on an act and is a very convincing liar, something she believes has served her well over the years despite the trust she has lost along the way. Though she technically has family in her adoptive parent and siblings, she sees herself as a lone trailblazer in life, believing her only path forward is one forged by herself, not handed to her. There is a bit of animosity between herself and her adoptive siblings as she came from a higher social class (though not by much) and is thought to receive preferential treatment from 'that person', having been given her own territory to rule despite not being an executive; because of this she is all the more focused on being independent so no one can ever claim her accomplishments are not her own.

Ravine Mihail

Age: 23
Race: Viera (sub-tribe)
Gender: male
Orientation: undetermined
Place of origin: Dalmasca
Weapon of choice: bow and arrow
Occupation: tribe member, wanderer
Associated groups/characters: Canyon Mihail, Viera sub-tribe
Allegiance: Viera sub-tribe
Base of operation: none
JP Voice Claim: Kobayashi Chiaki as Fu Yao in Heaven Official's Blessing
EN Voice Claim:


A member of a Viera sub-species tribe from Dalmasca, he is the younger brother of Canyon Mihail. He lost his brother when he was still very young, barely old enough to remember him... or so he thought. He recently discovered that Canyon is actually still alive, and had only been separated from the tribe, not killed. With this newfound information and his parents' blessing, he too set out from his homeland in search of his brother.He is typically soft-spoken, not one to raise his voice even when angered, and has an overall subservient attitude, good at following orders. Though disciplined, he still has some child-like qualities to his personality, particularly in regards to his idolization of Canyon. He keeps his emotions and behavior in check, and is only passionate about one thing - finding his brother.

Llavinia Hest

Age: unknown
Race: Ancient (possibly a Primal today)
Gender: female
Orientation: undetermined
Place of origin: Etheirys
Weapon of choice: creation magicks (corrupt)
Occupation: none
Associated groups/characters: Segadus Hest
Allegiance: none
Base of operation: none
JP Voice Claim: Kusunoki Tomori as Makima from Chainsaw Man
EN Voice Claim:


Segadus' younger sister, confined and isolated as a source of corrupt aether. Her early history is mostly unknown (so far), but rumor has it that she celebrated the Final Days as it broke her out of her prison. It is unknown what happened to her during the Sundering, but it has been hinted that she now exists as a Primal, brewing hatred as she was released only to be undone, her freedom short-lived. Overall an unhinged personality deserving of a mental asylum.

R'fjell Helsing

Age: 29
Race: Hyur
Gender: male
Orientation: undetermined
Place of origin: Garlemald
Weapon of choice: dual pistols, fists
Occupation: collector
Associated groups/characters: Homura Mephistic
Allegiance: The Funeral Parlor (Plutus Corp)
Base of operation: Plutus Corp base in Garlemald, headquarters in the Firmament, fronted as a high-end construction company (no in-game location)
JP Voice Claim: Hosoya Yoshimasa as Daryun from The Heroic Legend of Arslan
EN Voice Claim:


The lead debt collector for Plutus Corp, R'fjell works directly under Homura as his right hand man. He is usually the one who does the dirty work, namely chasing down those who owe the pseudo company money. A Garlean native, he mainly works out of Plutus Corp's Garlemald base, seldom returning to their headquarters unless escorting Homura. He seems to have a history with Salima that is more than just colleagues.

Cylus Brixton

Age: 40
Race: Hyur
Gender: male
Orientation: undetermined
Place of origin: Old Sharlayan
Weapon of choice: non-combatant
Occupation: librarian (covert drug/goods dealer)
Associated groups/characters: Sirian Brixton, Estelle Brixton
Allegiance: The Funeral Parlor (Liveta's Library)
Base of operation: main branch of Liveta's Library, located in Old Sharlayan (no in-game location)
JP Voice Claim: Umehara Yuichiro as Ibuki Aka from AYAKA
EN Voice Claim:


A former staff member at the orphanage that the Funeral Parlor once was, Cylus is considered one of the founding members. He oversees the operation of Liveta's Library, the Funeral Parlor's drug trading hub, as the head librarian and is the main bookkeeper for their transactions. He is Estelle and Sirian's adoptive father.

Sirian Brixton

Age: 21
Race: Miqo'te
Gender: female
Orientation: undetermined
Place of origin: Old Sharlayan
Weapon of choice: non-combatant
Occupation: librarian (covert drug/goods dealer)
Associated groups/characters: Cylus Brixton, Estelle Brixton
Allegiance: The Funeral Parlor (Liveta's Library)
Base of operation: sub-branch of Liveta's Library, located in Ishgard (no in-game location)
JP Voice Claim: Saito Yuka as Tae Takemi from Persona 5
EN Voice Claim:


A librarian of Liveta's Library, the Funeral Parlor's drug trading hub. She oversees the transactions made at the Library's sub-branch and is the bookkeeper there. She is Estelle's twin sister and was adopted out of the Doxa ranks by Cylus at age 11. When the sub-branches of the Library were opened, she and Estelle were each placed in charge of one.

Estelle Brixton

Age: 21
Race: Miqo'te
Gender: female
Orientation: undetermined
Place of origin: Old Sharlayan
Weapon of choice: non-combatant
Occupation: librarian (covert drug/goods dealer)
Associated groups/characters: Cylus Brixton, Sirian Brixton
Allegiance: The Funeral Parlor (Liveta's Library)
Base of operation: sub-branch of Liveta's Library, located in Limsa Lominsa (no in-game location)
JP Voice Claim: Hayami Saori as Jabami Yumeko from Kakegurui
EN Voice Claim:


A librarian of Liveta's Library, the Funeral Parlor's drug trading hub. She oversees the transactions made at the Library's sub-branch and is the bookkeeper there. She is Sirian's twin sister and was adopted out of the Doxa ranks by Cylus at age 11. When the sub-branches of the Library were opened, she and Sirian were each placed in charge of one.

the funeral parlor

A criminal organization rooted in Foundation, they rule the night in Ishgard and specialize in anything from assassination to intelligence. Founded on what used to be an orphanage, they are known to take in abandoned children and guide them through childhood...before letting them loose into the world as highly trained operatives. Most, if not all, of the members who were recruited this way have a skewed idea of the world, given the environment they were raised in, and don't have the means to break free from the organization that helped them into adulthood; in this way, the Parlor creates loyalty, willfully or not. Those who join as adults must be referred in by a current member and presented before Noire Mephistic, the boss' right hand and acting head, though a referral by an executive may lead to a meeting with the boss themselves.
The boss of the Funeral Parlor, known only as 'that person', is shrouded in mystery. Very little is known about them - not even whether they are male or female. They were the director of the orphanage from which the Parlor originated, and the one responsible for turning it into the massive crime ring it is today. They are regarded as a morally grey type of person, with a strong "for the greater good" mindset, which often causes them to make choices based on necessity rather than ethics, something which puts them at odds with the few members who have managed to still retain some sense of morality, such as Daemon Stride. It is thought that the boss may have some sort of split personality as they will have bouts of doubt one moment, then revert back to a merciless mastermind the next. This may be the main reason why they typically act through the more hardened Noire Mephistic, who was taken in by the boss personally when she was young.
Noire is the next one down the ladder of command, acting directly under the boss and often as their proxy so that they can remain hidden. She is one of few ranked high enough to have even seen their face, and everyone reports to her if not their group's leader. All Parlor members, including the executives, answer to her as they are to take her word as the boss'. Her level of authority essentially matches theirs, and she would be the only one capable of overthrowing them, but is trusted enough that the boss believes she will never do so.
The Funeral Parlor leadership consists of the boss, Noire, and at least four executives (though it is believed that there may be more). Each executive leads their own group of men, with some having specializations (i.e. assassination, smuggling, information peddling, etc.). Currently known executives include Dooshik Oelus, the infamous leader of the Black Nail, the Parlor's assassination squad, Daemon Stride, the leader of Parmenides' Aletheia, the Parlor's intelligence ring, Homura Mephistic, the CEO of Plutus Corp, the Parlor's money laundering business, and Cylus Brixton, the head librarian of Liveta's Library, the Parlor's (primarily drug) trading hub. The House of Sindhura, though a Parlor facility, is not an established faction, nor is Salima an executive despite having a territory to call her own.
THE HISTORY (thus far)
The Funeral Parlor started as an ordinary orphanage in the Brume of Foundation. It was relatively small, with only a few staff members and an armful of orphans. All was normal (well, as normal as the slums could be) until the director passed away, weathered by the harsh streets and little funding. The person who took over was the director's child, who had also been working at the orphanage, but saw how it was failing. Knowing that, if they did nothing to change their circumstances, they would not last for much longer, they made a harsh decision for everyone involved - the organization would have to resort to less honest means for survival. In a stroke of mercy, the new director allowed those who did not wish to be involved to leave - this included both the staff and the children. Some staff members left, though a few stayed, each with their own reasoning, but the children, unfortunately, did not have much choice; they had nowhere else to go, after all. Still, most, if not all, of them would've stayed anyways, seeing the new director as a parent figure who had cared for them for years. They trusted them blindly as the director and their staff were the only ones to have ever shown them kindness and humanity; in their eyes, the adults at the orphanage were their saviors, and they would do anything for them. In this sense, one could even say they were brainwashed to an extent. These children were raised into the first generation of the Funeral Parlor, with the former staff members becoming the boss' inner circle of command.
> The Black Nail: the Funeral Parlor's covert kill squad, formerly led by Dooshik Oelus. The name implies that they are "the nail in their enemies' coffins," as they take care of most of the Parlor's hits.
> Parmenides' Aletheia (or Aletheia for short): the Funeral Parlor's information networking unit. Their leader, Daemon Stride, is unknown to most, and all agents possess knowledge worth their brains' weight in gold. They operate out of Hyena, a bar owned by Daemon, which serves as a gathering hub, as information is easy to overhear and obtain in a social setting, especially over alcohol. Not all employees are Aletheia agents, allowing them to blend in with what appears to be a normal bar staff. The building also houses Doxa spies on its upper floor.
>> Parmenides' Doxa (or Doxa for short): the Funeral Parlor's spy ring. They are a unit within Aletheia responsible for gathering information, as well as scrambling any existing information, twisting them into either obscure truths or straight-up lies. Most of the children taken in by the Parlor start as Doxa spies as it is easier for their child selves to slip under the radars of potential hostiles.
> Plutus Corp: a high-end construction company owned by the Parlor that operates under the table in secret as their money laundering business. They own and run several casinos and projects under their business name and are currently led by Homura Mephistic, one of the boss' adoptive children.
> Liveta's Library: a network of libraries run by head librarian Cylus Brixton which serves as the main trading points for Parlor goods. Drugs are the most common, transported in book-shaped boxes that appear to be ordinary books on the outside, but, when opened, have an empty cavity inside rather than pages. To make a payment, one 'returns' a book; when receiving goods, they 'check out' a book. The secret phrase for traders to make themselves known is to tell librarians that they want to check out a Liveta classic. The network consists of one main library and three sub-branches spread out across Eorzea.
> The House of Sindhura: an inn in Radz-at-Han which serves as an outreach facility for the Funeral Parlor. It is most often used as a rest stop for traveling Parlor operatives. Salima serves as the proprietress.
- Noire Mephistic: the boss' adoptive daughter and Salima and Homura's younger sister, she is the acting head and youngest member of the Funeral Parlor leadership. She sees the boss as her savior after they saved her from dying in the Azim Steppe drylands where she'd been cast out due to her tribe's beliefs and culture. Having been adopted personally by the boss themself, she was granted special permissions, permissions which allowed her to rise to her current position.
- Basil Redgrave: a Viera who accidentally got caught up in an incident with Noire in which the two were cursed and given the conditions that, if one is to die, so will the other, thus forcing them to protect each other. (full story still under development)
- Dooshik Oelus (former, or so he claims): a Parlor executive who joined when the Parlor was still in its infancy as a criminal organization. One of the longest-running members to date, he was the former leader of the Black Nail, though he claims to have retired from the role.
- Aki Faelen: considered to be Dooshik's adoptive son, much to his chagrin, he was brought on upon being saved from the streets of the Brume in Foundation as a child. He now works as something of an independent contractor rather than an active member.
- Daemon Stride: an old friend of Dooshik's and a fellow executive and former staff member at the orphanage, as well as 'That Person's brother of sorts as they were raised together in the orphanage. He is the leader of Parmenides' Aletheia, the Parlor's intelligence ring and the owner of their headquarters, a bar called Hyena. He has taken a liking to Dooshik due to their similar views on the boss' ways, seeing them as a loose cannon in need of supervision.
- Homura Mephistic: the youngest known Parlor executive, one of the boss' adoptive children, older brother to Noire and younger brother to Salima, he leads Plutus Corp, the Parlor's money laundering business. In the public eye, he is the CEO of Plutus Corp, a high-end construction company with a darker agenda.
- Mephisto Philus: an Au Ra girl with infamously large aether output currently being held captive in Garlemald and forced to participate in an artificial ceruleum production project overseen by Plutus Corp.
- Salima: a Thavnair native, she is another of the boss' adoptive children, older sister to both Homura and Noire, and a former Black Nail assassin. She oversees the Parlor's Ilsabard outreach center in Radz-at-Han. On the surface, she is the proprietress of the common inn that serves as the facility's front called the House of Sindhura. She is known among her people as 'Farhadin', or 'one who was raised by wolves', due to her past, and keeps a pair of siblings as companions.
- R'fjell Helsing: Homura's right hand man, a debt collector for Plutus Corp.
- Cylus Brixton: a former staff member of the orphanage before it was converted, he is considered one of the founding members (alongside Daemon and 'that person' themselves) the keeper of the main branch of Liveta's Library.
- Sirian Brixton: the keeper of the Ishgard branch of Liveta's Library. Estelle's twin sister, she was adopted out of the Doxa ranks by Cylus.
- Estelle Brixton: the keeper of the Limsa Lominsa branch of Liveta's Library. Sirian's twin sister, she was adopted out of the Doxa ranks by Cylus.
(OOC notes: This storyline is open to new characters and is still in progress. Currently, there are no plans to actually cast 'That Person' as a named character.)

Dynast Viera Tribe

The Dynast Viera tribe was founded on the belief in elemental gods as mankind's creator and the source of its livelihood. The tribe is divided into bloodlines, each stemming from their own elemental god. Each god is said to have produced at least one hero king, a former human who performed a reality-bending feat with their god's blessing to earn them ascension as a martial god. These kings went on to become the guardians of the elemental bloodlines, passing down their weapons as holy arms to their descendants. In each generation, one child is chosen to inherit the hero king's will and receive the elemental god's blessing, allowing them to wield their power to its fullest potential.
The main families of the tribe consist of the five main elements in Taoism - wood, fire, earth, water, and metal. Other bloodlines were derived from these, and though some consider them lesser, in truth, they are simply newer, not one of the original bloodlines. There is no set hierarchy within the tribe, though many will acknowledge members of the five main families as being socially superior. The exception is the family under the goddess of earth, considered fallen when Ling Tu (otherwise known as Homura) deserted the tribe, taking his family's holy arm with him. Though other members of the earth family remain, they are not the main bloodline, and cannot carry on tradition without their family's relic. It is said that, because of this, Homura's extended family is on the hunt for him.
MEMBERS: Tribe members have two-part names of Chinese origin. One is a personal tribute, normally something related to their birth, like time, place, or circumstance. The other is relative to the god under which they are born.
GODS: The origin gods are named after existing gods in Chinese folklore.
HERO KINGS: The hero kings have four-part names and are named with a color and terms detailing the deed which earned them their title and status. These deeds typically appear heroic at first, but have unseen consequences and sacrifice under the surface, making them antiheros in truth.
- Homura Mephistic (Guardian of Earth): formerly known as Ling Tu, he is the CEO of Plutus Corp, a faction of the Funeral Parlor crime ring, and a Parlor executive who left the life of the Dynast Viera as a teenager. Though he no longer considers himself a Dynast Viera, he still retains the powers passed down to him by his family's guardian goddess, Houtushen, and her hero king, Black Earth Under Soil, and hasn't been stripped of his title as guardian of earth as he is the last of his bloodline after his parents were killed. His name translates to 'dawn soil' given his time of birth and his family lineage under the goddess of earth
=> Houtushen: the goddess of earth who blessed the hero king Black Earth Under Soil
=> Black Earth Under Soil: the hero king of Houtushen who once split the earth to halt a decade-long war at the cost of the lives of everyone on the battlefield that day. With the help of the fire god, Zhurong, he created a river of lava, forever separating the two countries. When manifested, he takes the form of a large four-legged lizard with a stony hide. His holy arm is a pair of wristlets, granting the wearer inhuman physical prowess and some telekinetic abilities.
- Hua Jiang (Guardian of Water): a Dynast tribe warrior, he spends his days as a hunter and watchman around the tribe's territory. He is descended from the hero king Azure Storm Unto Snow under the blessing of the water god, Gonggong. His name translates to 'flowing river of flowers', alluding to his mother's death and his lineage.
=> Gonggong: the god of water, said to be a violent god often at odds with the god of fire, Zhurong
=> Azure Storm Unto Snow: the hero king of Gonggong who once sundered a world frozen in ice, breaking it out of its frigid prison; he destroyed his hometown in the act, as it was frozen in the ice and was shattered along with it. When manifested, he takes the form of a large shark. His holy arm is a bladed ivory staff imbued with water magic.
(OOC notes: This storyline is open to new characters and is still in progress)

Aki: Seventeen Years Old

Characters: Aki Faelen, Dooshik Oelus

"...before you die, I'll have you cough up the whereabouts of your benefactor."Aki remained knelt on the ground before the army commander, executioner at the ready behind him. He replied with nothing but silence at first, then said, "I'm not in the habit of haggling for my life." The commander, too, paused. "...so you're saying you won't sell him out. Is that really worth your life though?" He stood from his seat, walking over to Aki before stopping with the slightest clink of armor."After all, he is the man who brought you into this wretched world."-- 5 years ago --Silence fell upon the alleyways of the Brume, broken only by the pattering of rain against stone and wood. Slowly, a child's footsteps broke the water, leaving a light red trail of blood behind him. But it wasn't his blood - it was blood from the man he'd killed just hours prior.It wasn't his intent at first. At first, he'd only wanted his coinpurse, the same thing as always. And, as always, he made off with it... or at least, he thought he had. Unexpectedly, the man managed to grab him, and, in a desperate attempt to escape capture, Aki used the closest weapon within reach... the man's own dagger.After a long chase through Foundation's winding roads, he finally managed to shake his pursuers. With the rain washing the blood from his skin, he made his way home tiredly. But he didn't have long to be relieved, or to even think he'd truly escaped. Upon returning, he found the door open. His stomach churned with unease, and panic instantly rose within him as he ran for the shack they called home."Luzifer!"But the room was empty. The sight did nothing to quell Aki's unease. "They're not here...?" Unfortunately, he didn't have time to wonder where his siblings may have gone - not when a blunt force was hitting him behind the head as his guard was down. In his last moments of consciousness, he heard the words. "Aki Faelen..."...you're under arrest."The next time Aki woke, he was in a dark room, tied to a chair with only a few candles to call light. His eyes opened slowly before the dull pain from the bludgeon set in. With a groan of pain, he slowly but surely came to fully."Hey. You're awake."The voice made his eyes shoot open, his gaze raising instantly. Before him was a man dressed in black, a long coat draped over his shoulders - that was all Aki could see as the candlelight cast shadows across his face. Aki glared at the mysterious figure. "... who are you? Where am I?" "You're in an underground holding cell in Foundation." "Underground...? What happened to being arrested?" The figure chuckled at that. "Apologies; I just wanted to see what it feels like to be an agent of justice." Aki gave him a flat look next. "... and how did that feel?" The figure's smile remained despite his next words. "Absolutely terrible." There was a long pause between them before Aki spoke again. "... you didn't answer my first question." The man stood then, stepping forward just enough that Aki could slightly see his face now. It was handsome and mature, looks that could easily sway a common woman into submission. The only blemish was a long, horizontal scar on the left side of his face - an unseeing eye could be seen beneath it, barely visible behind the hair which hung in front of it. "Before I answer that, let me ask you a question as well."Have you ever heard of the Beast Beneath the Moonlight?"The words made Aki freeze, and even though his widened gaze was cast down at the floor now, the man seemed to sense it. "I'll take that as a yes," he said, stopping before him, "Your reaction tells me you know more... like who, or what, it is." "... why should I tell you?" "Because I'll have to turn you over to the actual guards otherwise. They'll arrest you for what you did; I doubt a kid like yourself will be able to hide from them for long. At best, you'll be captured and imprisoned for life. At worst, they'll execute you. Either way, you'll never see your siblings again. And I'd hate to see what happens to them once you're gone." There was a loud clatter as Aki tried to pull free from his restraints, causing the chair to skid and rattle against the stone tiles. "You-!!" A few other men in the room braced themselves, hands to their swords and guns, but backed down at a single gesture from the mystery man. Aki's rage was apparent, but so was the man's lack of fear; he clearly wasn't intimidated or concerned as he knelt down to Aki's level. "Consider yourself lucky, werepanther, for you and your siblings are safe from harm... for now. They are currently under my protection, and will remain so so long as you cooperate." "...how did you know?" The man's lips turned upwards again into the same, bone-chilling smile. "...I never answered your first question, did I?"My name is Dooshik Oelus. I work for the Funeral Parlor, and have been tasked with hunting you down because 'that person' wishes to meet you."Now, I will have you come with me."-- Present Day --"Where is Dooshik? Who is 'that person'??" Aki glared at the ground. "I don't know-" "Do not lie!" The interrogator seemed prepared for Aki to deny him an answer, as he nearly cut him off with a punch to the face, knocking him over onto his side. He sighed, rubbing his bloodied fist. "To think someone from the Funeral Parlor would still remain loyal to them after they left him to die..." "Commander, if I may, I believe his words may hold some truth. After all, we've spent years trying to pin down the Funeral Parlor, and nobody has any idea who 'that person' is," a platoon leader also present at the scene said. "Indeed, he himself may not... but Dooshik does. He is an executive who only answers to 'that person' and their second-in-command while they hide like cowards. Now where is Dooshik-?!"The commander barely got to finish his sentence before a sword cut across his chest. "What...?" In the moments they had been distracted by conversation, Aki had broken free from his restraints and stolen the executioner's brandished sword. Confusion and chaos ensued as some officers moved to defend the commander, while others attempted to restrain Aki again to no avail. Soon, the majority of the room was unable to move, either dead or incapacitated in some other way, and Aki had the commander in a chokehold with a sword to his throat. The door opened then as another group stormed in, this time armed with guns as well as swords, and in walked none other than Dooshik himself. Unphased by the bloodied room and the bodies littered about it, he approached the commander, looking down at him. He flashed him the same cold smile. "It would seem the tables have turned, Commander." "Dooshik...! How...?!" He began to walk a circle around the two. "'How did I find this place'? Did it ever occur to you that Aki let you catch and bring him here to your base on purpose?" The commander gritted his teeth in defeat as Dooshik continued. "Let me tell you the three things you did wrong."One, thinking you could truly catch someone who was trained by our upper echelons. Two, trying to come after me. And three, insulting 'that person.'" Dooshik stopped before the commander again, this time with a much darker look upon his face."Do not underestimate the Funeral Parlor."

A Reunion Upon Tainted Sorrow

Characters: Aki Faelen, Dooshik Oelus

"So this is where you've been hiding."Aki looked up from the glass he'd been cleaning, frowning at the man now sitting across from him at the bar before casting his gaze away. "... your order?" "Come now, don't be so cold," he said lightheartedly, "It's been two years since we last saw each other." "And whose fault is that, Dooshik?" Aki's words were sharp and prepared, laced with contempt. "I don't know whose thumb you're under now, but they got you out. What reason did you have to look back on a past as bloody as yours?" Dooshik sighed at his response, then blinked when a glass of vodka was set before him. He laughed lightly. "Now, now, don't be getting jealous or anything. Life above ground is good; you should try it sometime." Aki responded with a sharp glare as Dooshik took a sip from his glass. "...what do you really want? You're not the type of person who would visit for leisure." "That hurts, Aki," Dooshik said with another laugh. His eyes opened slightly into a slant-eyed smirk. "Don't worry; I haven't forgotten my roots... and neither have you." With his words, he pointed at the dagger strapped to Aki's leg. The hilt that stuck out of its sheathe was engraved with a familiar crest - the mark of the Funeral Parlor. "I see you've still kept it all these years," he continued with a smile. Aki frowned a bit, his gaze cast down at the knife... the memento of the first time he'd killed another person. His eyes raised to Dooshik again, still narrowed. "...is it a request from 'that person'?" Dooshik only nodded with the same smile. "They wish to see the two of us reunited," he said, then paused. After a moment, he flashed a bright smile. "But I said no! You alone are enough for this job." A vein bulged on Aki's forehead as he slammed down the glass in his hand, cracking it against the bar counter. "HAH?! Where do you get off, offering me up like that without my consent-?!" Dooshik put a hand on Aki's head, instantly quelling him. "I only did so because I know you can do it. Besides, killing is your world now, not mine." He finished off his drink, setting the empty glass back on the counter before giving Aki another pat on the head and leaving. This time, Aki said nothing, simply holding still under Dooshik's touch, his bangs falling over his eyes as blood began to run down the broken glass."...only because you abandoned me here..."Outside, Dooshik stopped as snow began to float down from the sky. He looked up as the white flakes fell around him, a small, somewhat pained smile on his face. 'That's right, Aki... Hate me if you will... After all, I am the one who gave you your shackles and forced your hand. It's all my fault...'So hate me... But never hate yourself...'

Hina: Origins

Characters: Hina Tsurugi, Genrou Tsurugi, Carlyle Adelheid

Another day on the battlefield, another struggle for survival. Hina looked out over the torn terrain as magitek clashed with humans desperately fighting for their lives. The sight alone was enough to make her blood boil as her eyes narrowed into a look that could kill. Who did the Garleans think they were, storming into their homeland as if they already owned the place? Well, the Domans wouldn't go down without a fight... not today, not tomorrow, not ever. She nimbly made her way down the cliff, meeting with her comrades at the bottom. "It's not looking good, Tsurugi... Our frontlines are being pushed back." Hina gave a look of both frustration and anguish downward, then lifted her gaze again towards the direction of the fight with renewed determination. "We have no choice. We must press on. It's do or die; we cannot allow Doma to fall." Her fellow ninja nodded, and the four stealthily snuck around to the Garlean army's flank."Over here!" The ninja wasn't afraid to raise his voice a little bit, as it was nigh impossible to hear over the sounds of magitek cannons, steel against steel... and screaming. Hina and the other two in her squad approached the place where he was hiding behind a fallen magitek vessel. He pointed across the terrain. "There. Isn't that one of the command tents?" Hina peeked over the hunk of metal at what he was talking about. "Looks like it... let's split up and take out the patrol guards." With that, the small group dispersed into the surrounding shadows and dust clouds. She, however, didn't move just yet. She frowned, now rethinking her command. The Garleans may have been savages, but were they really stupid enough to leave a base out in the open like this...? The sound of an aircraft above broke her out of her thoughts, causing her to look up instead. What she saw made her eyes widen before yelling out, "Everyone, take cover!!" No sooner had the words left her mouth that bullets began to rain from the sky. She herself moved to retreat into the forest; being out in the open made them easy targets. Unfortunately, she wouldn't get far, as a stray bullet nicked the engine of the magitek she'd been standing near. The friction caused a tiny spark as metal scraped metal, but that tiny spark was enough to ignite the leftover fuel inside. Hina's efforts to flee were met only with a large explosion.The next thing she remembered was a ringing in her ears and dark smoke surrounding her. The voices of her comrades were muffled as they drew closer, yelling her name before their figures broke through the smoke, arriving at her side. "Tsurugi!" "Hina-sama!" "Commander!" Hina groaned as she tried to pick herself up, only to fall on her side again as she attempted to shift her weight to the left. She didn't have to look to know what had happened - the feeling in her left leg was gone. Not just the feeling in it - the feeling OF it. She met her comrades' eyes. "Ugh... We messed up... I'm sorry..." "Don't apologize; let's get you out of here-" "No." She pulled herself up as much as she could with only three limbs. "Leave me. I can't walk anymore; I'll only weigh you down." "But..." A spark of determination flashed across her eyes - that was enough to shut up her junior officer. "Go now, while you can-" "You can't seriously expect us to leave you here-!" The next one to raise his voice in protest was met only with Hina's hand grabbing him by the face, squeezing his cheeks as her hand covered his mouth. The next emotion to show was anger. "I do. Now leave! That's an order!" She calmed quickly, releasing him again. "Leave... Live on... for me... for all of our comrades who died here today..." There was a moment of silence as the three remaining ninja wrestled with themselves before one finally gritted his teeth and stood, dragging the other two up by the wrists, then pulling them away. "No! Hina-sama!" He didn't release his grip on the younger girl when she tried to break away, and soon, they were gone. Hina sighed out a small smile of relief. "Live on... to fight another day..." Once the three were out of sight, she gave another groan of pain, rolling over onto her back. As she laid there awaiting her death, she contemplated her life. 'I guess this is as far as I go...' she thought to herself, convinced that this was truly the end for her, 'Maybe one day, Doma will be saved... even though I won't be around to see it...' Tears welled up in her eyes as one more memory made its way into her mind - the older brother she had lost to the Garleans. She closed her eyes, letting the tears run streaks down her temples. 'Brother...' The sound of greaves clinking nearby didn't even register to her as she felt her life leaving her body."Hina."Slowly, her eyes opened ever so slightly at the sound of her name. 'What...?' The figure was a mere blur in her vision as it leaned down... and that was the last thing she saw.However, it wasn't the end - not just yet. Fate had more in store for her. She woke to an unfamiliar white room, her eyelids fluttering open. Confusion was the first thing on her mind, followed by panic, then pain. She pulled herself into a sitting position and was met with a sight that sent horror and fear through her body next, so much so that she couldn't help a bloodcurdling scream. Just then, the door swung open into the room. "Hey. You're awake." Hina's gaze snapped up to find the last person she ever expected to see standing there. "Brother...?!" But her brother had been killed by the Garleans after his squadron got pincered and surrounded... surely this couldn't be him? And yet, he seemed so real; his ensuing smile was undeniably him. "Hina... I'm glad you're alive..." But Hina wasn't about to let down her guard just yet. "Where am I? What is this?!" She gestured at the thing that had horrified even her, a covert agent trained to act in silence, into screaming. There, where her left leg had once been, was now an array of metal rods, hinges, and springs. It resembled a leg, and moved like one, but it was clear what it truly was - magitek. Her brother was silent for a moment before answering. "... we're at a Garlean base on the Doman border. I asked them to help with your leg. This was the only way to save you..." Hina gave him an apprehensive glare. "... who are you?" He replied with a solemn, yet hurt expression. "... I am your brother-" "Lies!" Hina interjected, rage now apparent, "No brother of mine would ever bow down to the Garleans!" Her brother gave a small sigh as if he understood her anguish. "Hina, the Garleans aren't the savages our people made them out to be... They're people fighting for their livelihood, just like us-" "Don't." Hina looked away, unable to look at him any longer, her eyes marbled with tears that threatened to fall at any moment. "Don't... say my name with his face... you damn Garlean scum..." Her rage renewed as the tears finally made their way down her cheeks. "Don't talk as if you're him! My brother died seven years ago at your hands, and now you dare to use him against me?! You Garlean trash-!!" A sudden embrace interrupted her slew of insults. "Hina..." came his quiet voice in her ear, "It's really me... I swear..." The rage slowly turned to anguish and sorrow instead. "Genrou..." A silence filled the space for a while before he finally released her. "Sit down...and I will tell you everything..." Hina gave one big sniffle, wiping her face, then her nose as she looked away. "I'm already sitting, stupid..." Genrou breathed a small smile. "That, you are." He pulled over a chair to sit himself, then began his story. The story of how his squadron had been captured, not killed. How they had at first been forced to work for the Garleans, tortured for information. How his comrades had been killed because of it. And how he eventually became a willing turncoat when he saw the Garlean people's suffering, and the familiar pain he recognized. Hina only listened in silence. "... so what now?" she finally asked when he was done. "Now... you must walk the same path as me." Another glare was shot at him. "You can't be serious." It was clear that Hina was chipping away at Genrou's patience with her stubborness. "The Garleans saved your life! You, a Doman ninja-!" "I never asked them to! I was ready to lay down my life for my motherland! And now you're telling me I should feel sorry for the people who are wreaking havoc in our country, killing our comrades?!" "Hina!" "You are no brother of mine...! Traitor...!"I'll curse you all...!!"

Blinded by Darkness

Characters: 'That Person', Noire Mephistic

"Haa..."Moonlight sifted through the sheer curtains of the dark room, the brightest light of the night. It turned the blackness into shades of navy, carving shadows into the white tile floor. The most notable silhouette was that of a person, standing by the tall glass window as the breeze blew through the open panes. Silence set in, the shifting of the shrubbery outside the only sound to break it."Boss."The shadow turned, having been joined by another in the room. The new arrival, however, stayed by the door, out of the moonlight's reach. "We've received a report from Aletheia. It seems negotiations are proceeding as planned. The Black Nail should be able to stay off the radar for a while thanks to those crooked royal advisors," Noire said. The boss' gaze remained out the window, lowering to the empty street below. 'Crooked'... the word could've easily applied to them as well. It was not one meant only for wrongdoers... or was it? "Noire... do you think what I am doing is right?" The Au Ra girl blinked back at them slowly, only one eye visible in the darkness. "I'm sorry?" "I fear I may have wronged you... all of you," they replied, "This direction... may not have been the right one after all." Noire paused before breathing a small smile. "Since when have you cared what's right or wrong?" She stepped forward into the moonlight, approaching the boss. "You've only ever done what was necessary. You made the hard choices so we wouldn't have to. It's all we can do to try to alleviate some of that burden." She laid a hand on their shoulder then, giving it a small squeeze. "You give me too much credit." "You give yourself too little. Without you, everyone here would be on the streets. You've given us all a place, no matter what kind of place it is." "Even if you never wanted it?" The boss sighed again. "Every day, I find myself wondering if this was really the right thing to do. And every time, I would tell myself it's because we had no other choice. But sometimes, I see the children and question whether that is truly so. The guilt begins to set in for putting them on this path; it pains me to see them follow me, so blindly bright-eyed that they can't see the darkness behind this kindness..." "If you really thought so, you would've ended this long ago." The harsh reply made the figure finally turn to look at Noire. "If you truly felt like you were only taking advantage of the children, you would've set them free. You would've kept them out of this world." "...then maybe that's what I ought to be doing-" "But," she interrupted, "I don't think it's wrong to seek some sort of compensation for your deeds." Now, Noire was the one to look out the window. "After all, we don't live in such a world where kindness is free... we do what we must for the greater good." Noire turned back to them then, a rare smile on her face. "Isn't that what you always say? It is better for the children to remain blinded; they need not see the happenings of this world."But we are not the light they believe us to be. Perhaps one day, they will realize it... that they have been blinded by darkness all along."

Blacker Than Black

Characters: Dooshik Oelus, Felicity Faelen, Aki Faelen

The room was dark where the woman was left alone. She heard voices for a while, but now was met with only silence. 'Is this how I die...?' This was the question she asked herself as she laid there on the floor. Just an hour ago, she'd thought she'd gotten away from her husband with her sons... now she was tied up, blindfolded, and gagged with no idea where she was. 'Who were those men anyways...? They must've been sent by him right...?' She made a small sound of frustration, barely audible through the cloth that had been tied around her head. This was why she hated the mafia. Low-handed bastards who would use anything they could to get what they wanted-"Get up."The sudden voice broke her out of her thoughts, scaring her at the same time. She hadn't heard any footsteps; where did this guy come from?? Her question would be answered soon when the cloths were being pulled from her head, freeing her eyes and mouth. His face was hard to see in the dark, and was being eclipsed by the moonlight coming in from the window; all she could see was that he was wearing a black suit and turtleneck shirt. "Who are you? Where am I- Hey!" Next thing she knew, she was being pulled to her feet by her bindings. "Come on; we don't have all day," he said, turning her around so he could take a dagger to the ropes. "What are you-?!" "Pipe down." The girl grumbled in her head at being cut off continuously, rubbing her wrists once she was free. Before they could leave the room though... "In here!" The voice came from outside the room, and there was no time to react before the door slammed open. Despite the jarring entrance, the man didn't seem bothered, only uttering an off-handed, "Oops." He turned to face them, revealing the single katana he had at his hip. "You have a lot of nerve coming in here!" "Ya think yer gettin' outta here alive?!" The man only scoffed in the face of their yelling. "Are you gonna stop me?" His words of challenge were calm in comparison, perfectly composed as he lifted his wrists in a slight shrug; it was clear he wasn't scared or intimidated in the least. "It'll take more than a handful of lowly gutter rats like you to kill me." "You...!!" Their words only served to enhance the amused, sadistic smirk on the man's face. "Close your eyes," he said next, this time addressing the girl. "What?" "Now." Against her better judgement, she did as he asked, squeezing her eyes closed. The last thing she saw was the man slowly reaching for his sword."Rejoice, for pain is a curse bestowed only upon the living."A sharp sound of metal rubbing against metal rang out, followed by a litany of thuds, gunshots, splatters, and yells. And then... silence. Finally, there was a soft metallic click, the sound of the katana settling back into its sheathe. "You can open your eyes now." The girl did so slowly before they shot open. The scene before her... was more red than anything. Most of the floor was covered in blood, along with numerous streaks and splatters on the walls and ceiling; there was so much of it that she found herself wondering if he'd killed them so brutally on purpose. The men who had tried to attack them now laid lifeless in pools of their own blood. The sight made her stomach churn, and she turned to gag, putting one hand to the wall and one hand to her mouth. The man paid her no mind, only looking to the door again as more footsteps sounded, this time less hurried. "Take care of the bodies," he said to the new group, who responded with a collective, "Yes, sir." Only then did he turn his attention back to the girl, approaching her from behind, his hands in his pockets. "You okay?" The girl looked over her shoulder at him. "Wh-Who are you...?" The man blinked back at her, then smirked again, albeit smaller this time, the animalistic demeanor gone. Now that he was facing her and standing closer to the window, she could finally see him properly. He was handsome, no doubt, and looked more like a philanderer than an assassin. His dark hair was slicked back and out of his face, his skin smooth and features chiseled; the only blemish was a horizontal scar that ran across the left side of his face, right over his eye, which was now scarred shut. His other was a pitch black, blacker than black."My name is Dooshik Oelus. I work for the Funeral Parlor."I'm here to save you, princess."---"Hey... Hey..."A broomstick handle thudded against Dooshik's head. "Ow!" That woke him up real quick, snapping back into a sitting position. "What was that for?!" "You were drooling on the bar," Aki said flatly, "and muttering something in your sleep." He turned to start cleaning up; clearly the bar was closing, as all the other patrons were gone. "If you're gonna have nightmares, get out and go have them at home." "Aren't you gonna ask if I'm okay?" Aki shot him a glare over his shoulder, only to find he'd finished the last of his drink and put his chin down on the counter again. "Why must you be so cruel to me?" A roll of the eyes answered him. "That's rich, coming from you. Whatever you may say, your blood is mafia black; there's no changing that." Dooshik chuckled a bit at that. "What, you don't want to know what my dream was about?" "I don't care." Dooshik gave a small, content, yet somewhat pained smile, his eyes lowering away from Aki. "You should..."It's how I met your mother, after all."Aki frowned at Dooshik. "... stop acting like you're my father." Dooshik lifted himself from the counter, sitting up straight once more before meeting Aki's gaze, the same somehow gentle look on his face. It was hard to believe that this was the same face of the man who was once one of the most lethal assassins in the Brume. "I was a better father than your actual father though, wasn't I?" Aki shut up then; there was no way to refute that. But Dooshik continued, picking up the bottle on the counter next to him to pour himself another drink. "Despite everything you say about hating me, I know you don't actually." "Bullshit!" Aki's hands came down with a slam against the counter hard enough to rattle Dooshik's glass; another nearby fell and hit the floor with a crash. "Living with you was like hell... ! Being with you was like hell!" Dooshik looked at Aki once more, his expression a little more flat this time; though a trace of a smile still remained, a piece of his old personality slipped through. "... after all I did for you, too, that's all you have to say about me? Besides, considering you're still alive and well today, I'd say that hell raised you properly." Aki bit down in frustration at the truth."... just get out."

Closing the Curtain

Characters: Dooshik Oelus, Natsume Hibiki, Aki Faelen

A dark, starry night. Clear skies and the slightest breeze. What would've been a peaceful night in Kugane was broken by the buzz of distant yelling as the streets ran rampant with members of the Sekiseigumi... all hunting down one man."Get him! It's the Sekisei traitor!!" Footsteps stormed across the stone pathway, running towards the courtyard of the Sekiseigumi barracks. As the squadron approached the archway to the entrance, there was another yell. "There he is!" Standing in the middle of the courtyard was a single person, his back to the approaching foes. Another raised his voice then. "How dare you come back after what you did..." The figure turned slowly to look over his shoulder, revealing the face of the man being berrated. "... Iharu Hibiki!" There was a pause before Dooshik smiled slightly. "Ah, I haven't heard that name in years... This is nostalgic... Let me enjoy the Kugane air a bit..." Of course, the Sekisei members gave him no such leisure. They rushed him all at once... an action they would soon regret. Dooshik's eyes opened ever so slightly, no longer smiling though his mouth still was. He placed one hand on the sheathe of his sword, the other on the hilt. "... before I stain it with the stench of your blood."In an instant, three members were already down. The squeal of metal against metal passed so quickly when Dooshik drew his sword that one might've missed it if they hadn't been listening for it. The rest of the Sekisei members hesitated for just a moment in the face of his overwhelming strength. "How... How are you alive?! You died fifteen years ago!" "Did you really think you could kill me? You're out of your depth." Dooshik straightened up, swinging his sword once to the side to shake the blood off of the blade. A smirk graced his face as a familiar, animalistic glint took over his eyes. "Rejoice, for pain is a curse bestowed only upon the living." The run-of-the-mill Sekiseigumi officers didn't stand a chance in the face of a skilled swordsman like himself. It was only so much longer before the rest of the squadron was also on the ground. Dooshik exhaled slowly, sheathing his sword once more... only to be met with the groans of a man forcing himself to his feet behind him. "I... ha... ru...!!" He got up with much difficulty, raising his sword to Dooshik's back. But he wouldn't get a chance to swing. A heavy dagger thudded into the back of his skull, driving itself straight through to the other side. His body seized up, frozen in place as death overtook his mind. Then, he too joined the fallen on the Sekisei grounds. "You're getting rusty," came another voice as it approached Dooshik and the bodies that littered the ground around him. Dooshik turned around then with yet another smile. "Nonsense. I just knew you'd come, Aki. That's all." Aki gave him a look of distaste, now visible as he pulled his face mask down to his neck. "That's some bullshit if I've ever heard any. You set us up so I'd have to kill him," he said before leaning down to retrieve his dagger from the dead man's head, sighing, "You're insane. One of these days, I'm just not gonna save you." Dooshik laughed a bit. "Maybe I am." Aki blinked when Dooshik also approached, but kneeled by the body instead. His hand reached into the man's robes, searching for something. "What are you doing?" "Oh, you know..." Soon, Dooshik found what he was looking for, withdrawing his hand; in it was a chain with a couple of dog tags. He gave a more grim smile then. "... just a memento." Aki maintained the same annoyed expression as Dooshik got back to his feet before clicking his tongue, tossing his head down and to the side. "So you just didn't want to kill your friend. That's rich." Dooshik held the dog tags up against the sky, the same unreadable smile on his face as he looked at them under the moonlight. "That's not true. Besides..."The dog tags were etched with a single name: Natsume Hibiki."... he wasn't a friend."

The Light in the Stairway

Characters: Daemon Stride, Aki Faelen

It was a night like any other at Hyena. The chattering of the bar's guests quieted to a silence, replaced only by the soft clinking of glasses being cleaned and put away, the clock on the wall ticking its way towards morning. The bar closed for the night, its employees retired, leaving Daemon the only one downstairs. Soon, his soft voice on the phone was all that could be heard, only a murmur to anyone not in the room. "... I don't care what 'that person' has to say. I'm not locking those kids up like animals. Parmenides' Doxa is under my command; I'll decide how to treat them. If they have issues with that, they can send Noire to talk to me instead... I'm sorry, Dooshik, but I can't. Bye." There was a soft click as the phone was gently placed back into its stand. Daemon sighed, pausing in a moment of reflection before wrapping up the closing procedures. This was the life he had chosen, but he would choose how to live it. It was the one thing he couldn't give up, after all. He'd already followed his childhood friend into the darkness of the mafia world... but he was determined to stay true to himself, whatever that took. Perhaps that was the real reason he'd accepted this position as the head of the Funeral Parlor's intelligence ring - it was the easiest way he could look out for the children taken in by the organization, who were almost always immediately put to work as spies. But he wouldn't subject them to the same scrofulous life as him, not if they didn't want to. It was with that resolution that he closed the doors of Hyena once again.He headed for the stairs to the living quarters only to find that he had not been alone after all. There, sitting in the dark stairway, was one of the newer children they had taken in. He was someone brought in by Dooshik, a Parlor executive, which was a feat in itself that made him the subject of some special circumstances. Daemon flipped the light switch, turning on the light in the stairway. "What are you doing up, Aki? Did you get into a fight again?" The black eye and split lip the child sported answered the question more than his silence did. Daemon sighed through his nose before turning to get a first-aid kit, then sitting down on the step beside him. Without another word, he set about treating Aki's split lip, cleaning up the blood. "... Daemon is kind..." the child said quietly, "Why are you friends with that man...?" Daemon blinked, closing the box with a small snap. His expression softened a bit. "... do you hate Dooshik, Aki?" Aki lowered his head, gathering his knees to his chest and resting his chin on them. "... he won't tell me where my siblings are..." "For good reason," Daemon replied, putting a hand softly to Aki's head. "The fewer people know, the safer they are. It's best if you stay where it's safe, too. Dooshik's hard to understand, but one day, I'm sure you will." Aki's head only lowered more; now his forehead was the one against his knees, his face hidden. "... you make me feel safe, Daemon..." he said, his voice echoing in the cavity between his chest and legs. Daemon blinked again, then smiled. It was things like this that made him feel as if he'd accomplished his goals to prioritize the children's well-being above their worth as spies. He gave Aki's head another pet, then got to his feet. "Go to bed, Aki. Tomorrow's another day," he said, his hand on the light switch a wordless command to follow him. Aki nodded, then finally got to his feet, letting Daemon lead him back to his room. "Good night.""... good night."And darkness befell Hyena once more.

Low Tide at Twilight

Characters: Dooshik Oelus, Daemon Stride

7pm. The sun began to fall through the winter sky. Day turned to night, and the ocean receded - a low tide at twilight. A single figure stood in the water, just far enough that the waves splashed his knees each time they reached for the shore again, turning his already-dark pants an even darker black. The sky soon followed suit as he looked out over the water, watching as the sun disappeared over the horizon. His expression was flat and listless, smoke from the cigarette between his lips wafting gently in the seaside breeze. "What's wrong, Dooshik?" came a voice from the shore behind him. Dooshik looked over his shoulder. "Daemon... what are you doing out here?" he asked, seemingly surprised in earnest. "I saw a man about to ring the bell on death's door," Daemon replied, lighting his own cigarette. Dooshik breathed a smile. "That bad, huh?" "I'll hear you out if I have to." "Come on, don't put it that way." Dooshik gave a sigh, a stream of smoke cutting through the air. He put his hands in his pockets as he turned back for the shore, but stopped for one last look over the ocean. "Besides... no matter how much I may want to, I can't die yet. There's too much to leave behind..." Daemon watched him silently as he trudged back through the water, sinking slightly in the mud with each step. In a way, it wasn't just water weighing him down. It wasn't just mud he was sinking into. It was the weight of all the lives he'd taken, all the demons he carried, all the wrongs he'd done. It was the entrance to hell looming under him, the hole his past deeds had dug, ready to swallow him whole at any moment, a curse bestowed upon him by those he'd wronged and killed. But, no doubt, it was a fate he'd come to accept. "How has he been?" "Who, Aki? Well... he hates you as much as always." Dooshik breathed an amused laugh from his nose as the two made their way back to Hyena."... you know, I've killed a lot of people in my time..." Dooshik muttered, his words stifled slightly by the cigarette in his mouth, "... those lives are never coming back..." "I never pegged you for the sentimental type." "Just hear me out-" "Since when have you cared?" Dooshik gaped slightly at Daemon's bluntness, the cigarette falling to the concrete. Did he really think he was that heartless?? "Wh-" "You heard me." Daemon sighed out another cloud of smoke before putting his out as well, dropping it into a cigarette pouch before going on to explain. "You only ever did what you thought was necessary. That's the only reason you've been able to survive until now. The guilt would've taken a normal person to hell and back by now." Dooshik fell silent then, his eyes closing halfway, his gaze lowering in contemplation. A normal person... Did that mean he wasn't normal? No, he knew that much at least was true. After all, what 'normal person' would bet their livelihood on killing others? "... what's wrong with me, Daemon?" "Nothing. Those things are what make you you."There's nothing wrong with you."

Cry Me a River

Characters: Dooshik Oelus, Natsume Hibiki, Noire Mephistic

"... are you seriously leaving, Iharu?"He scoffed a bit from his nose, though his mouth was smiling. "Do I really have a choice?" Though the initial pain of rejection had subsided now, it was hard to imagine that the people he'd been ready to lay down his life for would turn on him now. Still, it was a fate he'd come to accept. He'd always known something was wrong with him. The first time he cut himself on a piece of broken glass as a child, he didn't even cry. He was only intrigued by the sight of blood, liquid red as it flowed down the smooth surface of the glass. The fascination had overtaken any pain he may have felt; his mind simply didn't register it. Maybe the chance to spill blood was part of the reason he'd joined the Sekiseigumi. After all, he had no sense of things like social status or honor; only a hunger for carnage.It was that hunger that spurred his fall from grace. One by one, the people around him began to turn their backs. Even those he thought were close eventually distanced themselves. None of them tried to understand... and he didn't blame them. There was nothing normal about it; he didn't expect anyone to forgive him. But the next thing he knew, everyone was gone. The last person standing, his one tie to humanity, was now the only one with any will to stop him.His only family left after he'd killed his parents.Those were the terms set for him to leave his past. Destroy it all... but this was one person - the only person - he wanted to spare. "... I'm sorry, Natsume. But I don't belong here anymore. Don't try to convince yourself otherwise. Frankly, I'm surprised you can stand here and calmly talk to me like this-" "Do you think I really want to?!" Natsume gritted his teeth in anger, his breath speeding with rage. "This doesn't mean I've forgiven you...!! In fact, I never will! But our parents wouldn't want us to fight-!" "Our parents are gone, Natsume." He met his brother's eyes dead-on, shutting him up. "The dead cannot dictate the lives of the living." "... how selfish can you get...?! Not only do you disrespect our parents' dying wish, but you'd go so far as to not even acknowledge them?!"I was wrong to think I could reason with you... You just destroyed the last shred of faith I had in you. The glimmer of hope that something humane still exists within you. But it doesn't... You're a monster, Iharu." "... I know. I know better than anyone." Natsume clenched his fists so hard they shook, glaring at the ground. He never expected the gentle hands that came up to open one of them; he flinched when they did, but didn't look up. There was a quiet clinking of metal on metal as he placed his dog tags in his palm, followed by a long silence. "Tell them you killed me to avenge our parents, and my body got carried away by the river; that should clear your name at least."From today on, Iharu Hibiki is dead." His hands came up to the sides of Natsume's head, holding his face between them as he placed his forehead against his - something he'd always done ever since they were children. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this until the very end." He was sorry...? Then why did he do it in the first place...?! This was what Natsume wanted to ask, but couldn't bring himself to. He couldn't without his voice cracking, couldn't look up at him with the tears streaming down his face. Besides, deep inside, he knew why. It's just how he was. He'd found something else to live for, a place where he could unapologetically be himself... a place where he belonged. In the end, the hunger had won out over family. And he knew he couldn't keep him from sating it. "... I cannot allow you to leave-" "Don't." He looked back at his brother, whose hand laid upon the hilt of his sword. "Don't try to fight me, Natsume. It won't end well and you know it. Take what mercy has been handed to you; it didn't come cheap." After all, in sparing Natsume, he risked losing his path forward. "... disappear from here. And never show your face to me again. There will be no second chance." "... I know."- later that night -"... have you come to a decision then?" "Did me killing my family not say enough?" "... I will say, I'm surprised you were able to kill all three of them. I heard you were close to your brother." He breathed out a smile, looking up at the Kugane night sky. "Those kinds of feelings aren't needed in this life... right?" The smile only widened into a much more pleasant one as his gaze lowered again to the woman who'd met him in the dark alley. "... very well. The Funeral Parlor welcomes you..."... Dooshik Oelus."

The Road Not Taken

Characters: Nautilus Alastor

(a placeholder with a cool story title)Once upon a time, there was a boy who dreamed of justice. He wished to be a hero for the people, someone who had the power to protect that which he cared for. Someone who would walk the righteous path until the day he died, and die fighting for the ones he loved. That had been his dream, the way of life that he had longed for as a child... but it wasn't meant to be.This is the story of the truth unfolded. The story of the road not taken.possible Nautilus story about him leaving the Immortal Flames?? and dropping the lines "I can walk this path no longer. I will find my own way forward."

Of Steadfast Will

Characters: 'That Person', Homura Mephistic

"... do you know who the strongest people are?"Homura gave the figure before him a flat look. Despite the rude gesture, his posture was that of respect, standing up straight, hands clasped behind his back. "... well?" they eventually asked, pressing for an answer, to which the Viera only rolled his eyes. "Hell if I know. This is probably just another one of your stupid trick questions." The figure laughed, getting to their feet; their silhouette could be seen moving behind the sheer curtains hanging between them and Homura. "It's not. I want to know your honest opinion." "Yeah right. No doubt there's still a wrong answer." "So you do still know fear." "Wh-?!" Another laugh answered his vocalized shock, the person behind the curtain moving again, turning their back on Homura to look out the window behind them. "Don't worry; it's a good thing. After all, I let you get away with much, my son. It is reassuring to know you haven't lost the common sense to not defy me." Homura made a face upon being addressed as their child, but didn't object. In the end, it was true - this person had taken him under their wing when he'd had nothing but some chump change from living on the streets. It was because of this person that he could live the life of luxury he currently had, the very reason he was happy. Naturally, even he knew he had to repay them well."Ah. You never answered my question." "... I wouldn't know," Homura replied after a pause, "I am only as powerful as the money I have." "How humble of you!" the boss laughed, resulting in a look of annoyance from Homura, "That's quite refreshing. It seems you do know your place." "Did you call me here just to make fun of me?" "I'm not making fun of you, my son. I have a job for you. Something only you can do." "I highly doubt that." The figure turned again, approaching the curtain this time. A thin folder poked out through the fabric, and Homura stepped forth to accept it... unsuccessfully resisting the urge to flinch when the boss gripped him by the shoulder suddenly as soon as he was close enough. "That's not true. You are strong, Homura, stronger than you give yourself credit for."After all, you came to me with nothing. People who have nothing else, no other place... are of steadfast will. Desperation when pitted against all odds is a powerful weapon, though you may see it as a weakness."But that weakness is your greatest strength... never forget that."


Characters: Homura Mephistic, Hua Jiang

The following work contains content that may be considered suggestive (but not explicit). Reader discretion is advised.

"Tell. The. Truth!"The loud voice broke through the silence, trampling the groans and whimperings of its subject. Each word was accompanied by the blunt sound of flesh against flesh as fist met skin with easily enough force to leave a bruise. "Please, I swear, I have nothing else!" the other voice cried as its owner was beaten. At this point, blotches of blood were strewn across the tile floor, and a couple of teeth lay useless among them. The two were encircled by a small group of four other men in suits; one in particular was standing a little further away, leaning against his desk. He made a face at the pitiful sight before him as the man on the floor proceeded to beg for mercy. With an exasperated sigh, he straightened up, stepping away from his desk. "Enough." The single word was enough to get them to stop. "President..." "I believe you," he said with a smile on his face. But the smile was anything but sincere, and only lasted a moment before he continued, "You will just have to work off the rest of the money you owe... in the experiment lab." The other man's face paled, as if he knew exactly what was in store for him there. "N-No, please! Anything but that-!" "Take him away." Clearly, the conversation was over to him, turning his back on the group as the four other men dragged him out; the pleas for clemency fell on deaf ears. Finally, all was silent again."Sir. There's someone here to see you." It was only so long before the silence was broken yet again by a voice from the hallway outside, preceded by a couple of knocks on the door. "Enter," the president said, his back remaining to the door as he looked out the window at the back of his office. With the small sound of a click, the door opened; two sets of footsteps sounded as they entered the room."Ling."His eyes widened at the name, the shock apparent. That name alone was enough to make him turn, though there was no need for him to do so; after all, he knew who it was - only one person called him that. Even if it wasn't him, anyone who would call him Ling Tu anymore was trouble for him. But only one person was thoughtful enough to leave out the part of his name that he despised. And it only meant one thing - the shackles of his past had come back to haunt him. There, amidst the blood splatters, was a Viera dressed in garb unbefitting of the place and time. It was mostly cotton and canvas - the type that could be made purely from nature - assembled haphazardly across his body, held in place by leather straps. It was a stark contrast to the sharp suits worn by the others in the room. "Ling... You have to come home." The president's eyes narrowed. "... leave us." This time, his words were directed at the third man in the room, his subordinate who had escorted the Viera in. "Sir?" "I said, leave us!" "Y-Yes, sir!" The man hurriedly left the room, shutting the door behind himself.Once again, silence settled in between them. Finally, the Viera spoke. "Ling-" "Don't." The president was quick to put an end to his words, however. There was another pause before he looked away, unable to hold the Viera's gaze amidst his lie. "... you have the wrong person. My name is Homura." The Viera was the one to glare at him then. "Don't lie... Ling Tu-" "Don't call me that!" As usual, his temper got the best of him. He swung at his former best friend, cleanly hitting him in the jaw and knocking him onto the floor. But he didn't stay there for long, picking himself up back onto his feet. "You've only proven me right..." he said, wiping the blood from his split lip. "... you haven't changed. Your fever speaks before your logic." "You-!" But Homura didn't have time to argue. In fact, he still noticed too late, when the horridly familiar scent of flowers began to creep up on them. 'Alpha pheromones...!' He quickly put a hand over his nose and mouth, but the damage was done. He had no suppressants, hadn't needed to take them anymore in an environment where alphas and omegas were exceedingly rare.With nothing standing in its way, the Viera's tactic took full effect. "Hua Jiang... You bastard... ! That's dirty... !!" the omega struggled, his voice muffled behind his hand as he glared at him, eventually succumbing to the effects. Homura leaned his weight onto his desk as he felt the strength leave him, collapsing to the floor as his knees could no longer hold him. Hua Jiang only responded to his look of contempt with one of sadness as he watched Homura cave. "Call it what you will... You belong to me, Ling."You always will."

(CONTINUED IN 'Skin and Bones')

Skin and Bones

Characters: Homura Mephistic, Hua Jiang, Salima


The following work contains sexually explicit content and suggested dub-/non-consensual behavior. Reader discretion is advised.

"... you were always going to end up here, Ling.""I told you...to stop calling me that..."But, for all his mouth, Homura couldn't do much else against Hua Jiang. Not when he was at the mercy of the latter's pheromones filling up the air in the room, so weak in the knees that he couldn't get up from his place on the tile floor by his desk. "My name...is Homura...child of the Funeral Parlor...the leader of Plutus Corp...!" Hua Jiang watched with a flat look and very slight amusement as Homura struggled to pick himself up. "... your parents are rolling over in their graves, Homura," he said, practically spitting out his childhood friend's new name. "Hell if I care...! Stop releasing your damn pheromones; it's fucking disgusting...!" "Really? That's not what you said when we were younger." Indeed, despite his words, Homura didn't actually find the smell that unpleasant. In fact, it smelled too good, much more than he was willing to admit. It was a sweet scent, almost stiflingly so. But, on top of that, it also made Homura feel a certain type of way... a fact that Hua Jiang was quite aware of. So, on the contrary, he stepped closer, approaching the crippled Homura and picking him up off the floor, setting him against his desk instead. But he would find no reprieve from the smell, not when Hua Jiang pressed up against him, even more into his personal space, until he had him caged in with his arms. Still, Homura leaned forward, trying to put as much distance between them as he could. Sadly, there was nowhere to run. "Fight me...fair and square...you coward...!" Homura struggled, only for Hua Jiang to give him the same look of pity and pain. "I don't want to fight you, Ling... Besides, as you are, if you were to fight me, you will surely lose. You have spent years here, hiding behind Houtushen's blessing in a world that doesn't understand your powers. You are strong without even trying... You've been slacking because you haven't needed to be stronger. And because of that, you are now weaker than me." "What the hell would you know?!" In a burst of strength, Homura whirled around, one of his wristlets glowing as his power surged. Unfortunately, just as Hua Jiang had predicted, it wasn't enough. He caught his fist easily, wrenching his arm to the side and spinning him, pinning him chest first to his desk once more. Homura hit the wood with a grunt."You know what you have to do to truly fight back in this situation." "I won't...! I refuse to use my pheromones like you...!" But Homura's resistance was failing, clear in that Hua Jiang had managed to undo his belt and zipper, and now had a hand inside his underwear. "Why must you always make things difficult for yourself...? Just look at you," he said, withdrawing his hand to show Homura the fluids that his fingers were now drenched in. "Allow me to ease your suffering... I'm not like the others. I'll get under your skin, love you down to your bones..." "You're...insane...!" Homura hissed as he tried to regain some space, pushing his back against Hua Jiang's chest. But the stronger alpha wouldn't be moved, and Homura found himself pressed to the desk again. "Just let me love you..." Hua Jiang murmured in his ear as his hand continued. The other joined it now, though from behind rather than reaching in front. Homura inhaled sharply as he felt his fingers press to his opening. "Hua-! Ngh...!" He was cut off when he felt the intrusion, holding his breath and biting down as the pressure built within. "I see your heart has remained closed all these years," Hua Jiang commented as his fingers struggled to fit inside, "You are as you were when you left us..." Homura's will to fight back was truly and thoroughly diminished, reduced to a whimpering mess at the hands of Hua Jiang. "Relax; you're going to break my fingers." "Agh..."But just then, multiple sets of footsteps could be heard stopping right outside the door. "L-Lady Salima! You can't just-!" A sharp glare was enough to silence Homura's subordinate who'd tried to stop her approach, before she turned to one of her own associates. "Open it." Loud bangs began to sound, leaving only a few seconds before they would be interrupted. "This isn't over, Ling," Hua Jiang said, withdrawing his hands and backing off enough to allow for Homura's knees to fully buckle, "I'll be back for you... Be prepared to leave this life behind. Whether it be with me or your earth goddess brethren, you're coming home. You should know which is the better choice...if you don't want to be killed for Black Earth Under Soil's relic." In the nick of time, Hua Jiang escaped out the window at the back of the office, and so, when the door finally burst open, Salima only found Homura, once again on the floor by his desk, only one hand still gripping the edge of it for support. She made a face at the residual scent of pheromones; Hua Jiang had laid it on thick for even her to be able to smell it. Waving it off with a look of disgust, she looked to Homura instead, scoffing with amusement at what she saw. "What a pitiful sight you are, Brother," she said tauntingly. Homura looked over his shoulder at her, taking a moment to gather himself. "Salima... What are you doing here?" As Salima replied, he was finally able to pull himself to his feet. "To save you, of course, dear brother," she said in the same tone. "Stop bullshitting-" "'That person' wishes to see us," she interjected before Homura could stomp on her fun, suddenly serious, "Regarding the Ilsabard region. Specifically, that artificial ceruleum plant you've got running in Garlemald." "What about it?" "The girl you've been keeping there leveled another building yesterday. And let's just say the Empire isn't pleased." Homura frowned, his eyes narrowing. "They're the ones who commissioned us to-!" "In any case, 'that person' said Plutus Corp must pull out of Garlemald for the time being until things cool off. You are to regroup at the House of Sindhura until then. Looks like you are at my mercy once again, Brother." The blatant amusement on Salima's face was enough to make Homura spit mentally. "Ugh... Just who do you think you are, for me to be at your mercy? You think you're extending an olive branch or something? You're not even a Parlor executive; you're beneath-!" "Consider your next words very carefully, Brother." It seemed Salima had a penchant for interrupting Homura's words. "Think about what your friend just did to you. Look at the state he left you in." Homura returned her harsh look and implied threat with a glare that didn't care, yet held enough anger to make up for it. He clicked his tongue. "Tsk. You alphas are all the same."A dark look descended upon Salima's face, though she still smiled."Be glad I am not far worse."

Drowning Flames

Characters: Daemon Stride, Dooshik Oelus

(DRAFT ONLY; work in progress)

Daemon stood in the doorway, stunned at what he saw before him. Shades of the past returned, and it was clear that he was seeing something completely different than what was in front of him. His breathing sped as the memories flooded back, his heart rate rising. Finally, he snapped out of it enough to realize it wasn't real... but instead turned to leave in an attempt to prevent what he thought was coming next.Too bad he ran right into Dooshik. "Dooshik-" "Daemon, you have to calm down," his friend said seriously. Daemon gave him an incredulous look, as if he were asking for the impossible. "'Calm down'? How can I calm down?! He's gone...! Just like them... I have to save him, before it's too late!" He seemed to be hyperventilating at that point, as he coughed, choking on his words as he fell to his knees. "I have to-... I can't-... !" Dooshik crouched down with him, putting his hand over his mouth. "Breathe, Daemon... This isn't like you. It's not happening again." Daemon squeezed his eyes closed in an attempt to obey, but his attempts to reign in his panic proved futile. Finally, Dooshik gave his friend a reluctant, but concerned frown. He was leaving him with no choice other than his last resort, a fatal weakness that only a select few knew, but one Daemon had imposed upon himself. "Fine then..."... the fire has drowned."It was a nonsensical but significant phrase, the lock on Daemon's memories and consciousness. Like a switch, he froze, and collapsed soon after.


[commissions open]
I specialize in dynamic, collage-style flyers, either static or animated. Open for long-term or one-off commissions; prices vary based on desired complexity and elements. My style revolves around things like magazine covers and splash art. Contact me on Discord @obsidianpulse through the FFXIV Venues server or any of my venue servers.
Price per poster is 1mil gil, but is subject to change depending on complexity (animation, number of elements/scenes, etc), with possible discount for long-term contracts. Includes all gposing and post-editing. (Yes, the scrollers are universal unless requested otherwise and do not count as an animated element.)
You can find my full terms of service here


[Crystal | Goblin | Empyreum | Ward 4 | Plot 18]
as Aki Faelen and Nautilus Alastor (management / dealer / ad creator)
[Dynamis | Marilith | Empyreum | Ward 8 | Plot 26]
as Segadus Hest (management / hype squad / ad creator)
CASCADE (7pm-10pm PST)
[Dynamis | Rafflesia | Lavender Beds | Ward 20 | Plot 6]
as Nautilus Alastor (shoutrunner)

THE DEAD ZONE (7pm-11pm)
[Crystal | Mateus | Goblet | Ward 22 | Plot 5]
as Noire Mephistic (shoutrunner)
AMATERASU (8pm-11pm)
[Crystal | Zalera | Goblet | Ward 13 | Plot 43]
as Noire Mephistic (shoutrunner)
MIRAGE (7pm-11pm PST)
[Crystal | Coeurl | Mist | W2 | P34]
as Lady Salima (courtesan)
THE FINAL DAZE (7pm-11pm PST) {every last Saturday of the month}
[Dynamis | Marilith | Empyreum | Ward 8 | Plot 26]
as Segadus Hest (management / hype squad / ad creator)
[Dynamis | Halicarnassus | Goblet | Ward 13 | Plot 5]
as Aki Faelen (dealer)

The Clocktower (ad creator)
The Final Daze (carrd creator, ad creator)
Four Fiends Resort (ad creator, commission photographer)
Purely Black (ad creator, commission photographer)
Bloodmoon Boudoir (carrd creator, commission photographer)
The Lustful Pearl (commission photographer)
Kolat Veridian (commission photographer)
Iyashinomizu (ad creator)
The Aether Entertainer (layout designer, writer) (ad specialist)